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(n.) the deep, emotional bond between people, especially those separated by distance or death

TESSA APOLOGIZED TO HARRY AND HERMIONE THE NEXT MORNING. She was being a brat and overprotective the night before when she walked out on them, and she was hoping they would understand and forgive her as she made amends over breakfast.

"That's okay," Harry said at once, sliding over a cup of coffee to her. "We were at fault as well — here's your morning cup."

"Thanks," she said, taking a sip and recoiling slightly at the way it scalded her tongue.

Ron was eating next to her, whereas Hermione and Harry were staring at her and pushing their plates aside. "So," Hermione started, "what's going on between you and Malfoy?"

Tessa shrugged. "Same as usual — we're still dating," she said carefully, making sure nothing slips out.

Hermione's eyes dropped to the ring on her finger. "You're not engaged, are you?"

Tessa cleared her throat and took another sip of her coffee, something odd rumbling deep within her chest. "No, it's just a ring."

Harry frowned as he shared a look with Hermione.

"It's a pretty ring," Ron said through a mouthful of eggs.

Harry waited for her to take another long sip before he casually said, "Where's Malfoy right now? Busy planning something?"

     Tessa put her cup down and slowly said, "No, he's just sleeping in a bit late this morning."

     "He's not that great at it either, is he? Making foolproof plans, that is."

     Tessa narrowed her eyes at Harry, wondering why the hell would he be asking her that question. "What are you trying to say to me?"

     "Drink some more coffee," Hermione said quickly, feigning a chirpy tone. "You might still be a bit grumpy from the lack of it."

     Ron pushed some pancakes to her direction. "Maybe you should just eat something, Tessa." Hermione flashed him a warning look to stop.

     Tessa scowled but took another long sip, the beast inside stirring to wake as it smoked the liquid inside of her. When she downed the whole drink, she didn't miss the way Hermione and Harry glance down at her empty cup.

     "Malfoy must've heard what happened to Katie," Harry said. "What does he have to say about it?"

     "Did you tell him about the necklace?" Hermione added. "Surely he would remember it was the same cursed one from Borgin and Burkes."

     Tessa rose to her feet, sending her chair scraping on the floor as her cup clattered against the table. She was breathing heavily, her lip curling back to a snarl as she said very quietly, "Did you put Veritaserum in my coffee?"

     There was a tense moment where none of them said anything until Ron blurted out, "I tried to stop them — "

"You tried to sneak the truth out of me," she snapped hotly at Harry and Hermione, betrayal slapping her in the face.

Harry's face was hard albeit a flash of guilt passed him. "Tessa — I was only doing it to — "

"No," she cut in, her voice tight. "You're my brother, and I love you — and you know I would do anything for you." She spoke quietly, "Harry, I literally put my life in the line for you countless of times. But I can't always give you every piece of me."

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