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(n.) a strong, brave, or warlike woman; a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities

TESSA TAGGED ALONG AT THE END OF THE RIDICULOUS LINE THEY'D FORMED GOING UP THE STAIRS. She raised a hand despite the fact that nobody was watching her. "Do I sleep in the same room I'd been exiled to or with Ginny and Hermione?"

Ron couldn't help but to snicker under his breath at how dramatic she was albeit it was the truth.

"You can either stay with them or remain in your room — it's your choice," came the sharp reply of Molly, and Tessa shared a nod with Hermione. "I want you all to go straight to bed, no talking," she said as they reached the first landing. "We've got a busy day tomorrow. I expect Ginny's asleep, so try not to wake her up."

Tessa knew for a fact that Ginny was anything but asleep.

"Asleep, yeah, right," Fred said blandly. "If Ginny's not lying awake waiting for Tess and Hermione to tell her everything they said downstairs, then I'm a flobberworm . . . " he paused to linger by the threshold, smiling warmly at Tessa. "Goodnight."

She smiled back. "Goodnight." Then she shut the door behind her as she swiveled around to find Ginny wide awake and waiting for her to spill everything they'd discussed. Tessa put her hands on her hips as she grinned at the young girl. "Okay — where do I start?"

     The next two days, Tessa forced herself out of bed early in the morning so she could see Harry off to his hearing. She was in the kitchen, graciously accepting the cup of coffee her mother made for all of them as she silently contemplated sneaking into the court herself through a door.

     "I just heard from the Williamsons," Kasimir said, striding into the kitchen with a weary look on his face. His vest was inside out, his white button down wasn't tucked in his pants, and his blue-black hair was rumpled and unkempt.

     "And?" Remus urged him to continue.

     "Alex is trying to spread the word down south, while his wife Eliza and her sister Angelica have gone up north." Kasimir scrubbed a hand across his face as he took a seat next to Catherine, impatiently pushing his sleeves up his elbows.

     "Good," Sirius said with a nod. "We'll need all the help we can get."

     Tessa passed a plate of toast to her uncle. "What about Philip? Is he with them or . . . ?"

     Kasimir gratefully accepted the food as his sister handed him a cup of coffee. "Philip will continue studying in Durmstrang — he'll be fine."

     Tessa let out a relieved sigh knowing he's alright.

     Shortly after she'd finished her cup, the kitchen door was pushed open to reveal Harry who looked painstakingly anxious. She offered him a small smile as he approached them.

     "M-m-morning, Harry," Tonks yawned, her hair blonde and curly this morning. "Sleep all right?"


     "I've b-b-been up all night," she said with another yawn. "Come and sit down . . . " She pulled out one between her and Tessa as he sat down.

     "What do you want, Harry?" Molly called out from the stove. "Porridge? Muffins? Kippers? Bacon and eggs? Toast?"

     "Just — just toast, thanks," Harry said as Tessa poured him a glass of milk.

     Remus spoke up to Tonks, "What were you saying
about Scrimgeour?"

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