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(adj.) breathtaking, heartbreaking beauty

TESSA HAD SQUEALED IN DELIGHT UPON RECEIVING THE TINY HUNGARIAN HORNTAIL MODEL ON CHRISTMAS MORNING. She had woken up early that day thanks to Hermione who'd jumped on her bed and attacked her with a pillow to "get her lazy arse up". She was ready to push the girl off — that was until she saw the pile of presents on the foot of her bed along with Harry's present on her nightstand — the little dragon yawning and snorting small fumes of fire.

     She opened the presents she'd received from her friends and family, and to her delight — the usual Christmas charm from the person who doesn't matter. This time, it was a magnificent star that she very eagerly attached to the collection on her wrist: the Hogwarts Express, a book, a lightning bolt, and now a star.

     "I love it," she whispered to herself before quickly getting dressed and using the sweater Molly made for her. She wondered if her mother was using one as well right now, but then it would have a large C stitched to the front — effectively blowing her cover. Perhaps not.

     She and Hermione met up with Harry and Ron in the common room before going down for breakfast. Philip had told her yesterday that he's going to hide in the Durmstrang ship all day until it was time for the ball. He'd teasingly told her something along the lines of "I'll need to look handsome enough for my date who'll most likely captivate the crowd."

     Tessa rolled her eyes at that and had pretended to chuck a breadstick at him.

     In the afternoon, Tessa joined Harry and the rest of the Weasleys in a snowball fight. She had been hiding behind a fort she'd made, chucking half-shaped snowballs over her shoulder when Hermione cut in to take Tessa away.

     "But it's still early!" Tessa whined with a pout to Hermione who clicked her tongue reprovingly at her.

     "What, you need three hours?" Ron added with a laugh. But Hermione had already began tugging Tessa up to the castle. "Who're you going with?" he yelled after Hermione but they had walked away.

     Tessa snickered, opening her mouth to say something when she turned the curb and roughly slammed against someone. She gasped and slipped on the snow — only to have strong arms wound around her waist and hold her steady. Her heart sped up erratically at the near-fall as she clutched onto their shoulders.

     She glanced up and her nose nearly brushed against Draco's as her breath caught in her throat. "D-Draco!" she stammered, suddenly losing the ability to form coherent sentences as her mind went into absolute haywire.

     He had the nerve to smirk as he slowly pulled his arms away from her and slipping his hands in his pockets. "Merry Christmas, Braveheart," he murmured lowly, his voice deep and sending shudders down her spine.

     Tessa's cheeks burned at the sensual tone and she wildly looked away from his bright, silver eyes. "Merry Christmas," she replied back, clearing her throat. "I hope you received my present."

     He cocked his head lightly to the side. "I did, and I'm wearing it." He pointed to his shirt, and with a very small whiff, Tessa could smell the cologne she bought for him.

     Her lips twitched as she fought the urge to smile. "That's good — I didn't know if you'd like it or not. But I'm glad you're already using it."

     Draco was quiet for a second, fondly looking at how her cheeks dusted pink and the way she avoided his gaze. "I have something for you," he said softly, taking the sunflower he'd hidden in his back pocket and brandishing it to her.

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