B O N U S | 3

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PEOPLE SAY IT'S NORMAL TO GET COLD FEET DURING YOUR WEDDING DAY. Well, at least that's what her great aunt Leah told her. It's also what her Grandma Odette said, and also what Narcissa Malfoy said.

     But Tessa couldn't find it anywhere in her to feel nervous — she just felt as though she was going to burst in excitement and pure joy any second now.

     She played with the ring on her finger, wondering what her mother must've felt on her wedding day. Was she as anxious as everyone else? Or was she as ecstatic as Tessa was? And her father as well — she wondered how he must've felt seeing Catherine walk down the aisle.

     "Knock knock," came her brother's voice as he entered the small waiting area she was at. Harry grinned widely when he saw her. "Wow, you look amazing."

Tessa beamed, spinning to give him a full view of her wedding dress. "Thank you, I was worried it'd be a little too much." The gown she chose was absolutely exquisite — the material being of lace and tulle with the skirts giving an impression as though it were a ball gown. The sleeves were of transparent lace, intricate patterns on some parts that were elegant, and it showed off her bare shoulders in an ethereal and classy way. She felt like a princess on her wedding day, she wondered what Draco would think of it when he saw her.

Harry snorted. "It's your wedding day — you can dress however the hell you want to. And honestly, you look really beautiful, Tessa." He crooked an arm for her and said, "Are you ready? Everyone's waiting."

Tessa inhaled deeply through her nose and exhaled through her mouth, smiling radiantly as she looped her arm through Harry's. "I'm ready."

There were hundreds of places they could get married at, but Tessa and Draco chose somewhere they've never visited before. Somewhere gorgeous and immensely breathtaking — a place they'd never forget along with the person they'll forever spend the rest of their lives with.

The wedding ceremony would take place in Lakeview Terrace, right at the shores of Lake Louise in Banff. The magnificent view of the Victoria Glacier served as the perfect backdrop for Tessa and Draco as they say their vows and become one in unity.

She could see the crowd up ahead in their seats, fairy lights strewn everywhere to make the moment extra magical. She reminded herself to thank Hermione profusely after the wedding, she was the planner after all.

"Hey," Ron chirped enthusiastically when he saw Harry and Tessa make their way to the opposite end of the altar. He was Tessa's man of honor, and Ron was absolutely ecstatic to hear about it. He'd never admit it, but he'd shed a few tears after she'd asked him.

Tessa grinned right back as Ron ushered her and Harry to stand in front of him. "You look incredible," Ron complimented proudly like a proud mother. She thanked him, blinking rapidly to hold back the tears.

Ron raised a hand to signal the live band up ahead as soft music began to travel throughout the place, indicating the bride's arrival. At once, everyone rose to their feet to watch Tessa and Harry descend toward the altar.

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     "Draco, stop fussing over your tie!" Theo chastised with a click of his tongue, keeping his voice down to avoid attracting attention as they stood waiting at the altar.

     Draco kept fidgeting with the gold tie, undoing it and tightening it again and again to perfection. "Does this look better? No, maybe the last one — "

     Theo slapped his hand away and hissed. "Stop it, you look fine. Now quit doing that — she's about to be here any second."

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