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(n.) the heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable

TESSA REACTED BEFORE SHE EVEN THOUGHT OF IT. With every fiber and control in her body, she forced herself to fight back and to wake the sleeping beast inside of her. Light bursted out of her as she snarled and sent her magic hurling toward him.

     What she didn't expect was for his turquoise eyes to gleam bright with a flash as he shunned her force away.

     And she most definitely did not expect for her own magic to ricochet and wash over her like a wave, reverberating throughout her bones.

     She stumbled on her feet, hitting the desk behind her as she felt her body weaken tremendously by the force of her own magic. Tessa gasped, numbness racking throughout her body as her knees gave out on her.

     Sebastian was by her side in an instant, an arm holding her steady as he said, "I warned you not to use your magic on me — "

     "You better stay the fuck away from me or I swear to God I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth," Tessa snarled, pushing him away from her as she kept herself leaning against the desk for support.

     Sebastian stayed a respectful distance away from her — face hard with his mouth pressed into a tight line. "I'm only trying to help you, if you would just tell me where — "

     "She told you to stay away from her," came a very cold and deadly voice from the threshold of the room. Draco was standing there, hands casually slipped in his pockets yet a dangerous mask of killing calm written all over his features.

     Sebastian was frowning by now, no longer the smooth and slick person he was. He turned back to Tessa and said in a low voice, "Tell your mate to stay out of this or he's going to find himself hurt."

     Tessa bristled, slowly curling her lip to bare her teeth at Sebastian. Her voice promised nothing but cold and lethal death as she growled, "If you touch him, I will — "

     "Yeah, yeah, you're going to kill me ten times over," Sebastian said with an impatient wave of his hand as he looked away to avoid her gaze. "I know exactly how you feel right now to have your person threatened — bloody pisses you off, doesn't it?"

     "What do you want, Elliott?" Draco said, striding across the room to serve as a barrier between Tessa and the Ravenclaw boy.

     "Like I said, this doesn't concern you, so go back off and let the grown ups talk — "

     Quick as lightning, Draco grabbed a fistful of Sebastian's shirt and roughly yanked him over. "Enough of your games," he snarled furiously, "tell us what the hell is your problem and what your deal is with Tessa. Now."

     Sebastian had the audacity to grin at him. "Or what? You'll kill me?"

     Before Tessa could put a stop between the two boys from ripping each other's heads off — a cold drawl came from the threshold, "Mr. Malfoy, I advise you release him or I'll have to be forced to give you another detention."

     There was a very tense moment of silence as Draco and Sebastian said nothing — the blond still very close in breaking the other's nose.

     Tessa laid a hand on Draco's arm, squeezing it gently. "Draco, let him go."

     With great reluctance, he released him roughly as Sebastian chuckled lowly and turned. "I apologize for the bold behavior displayed, Professor — it won't happen again." He smoothly straightened his shirt as he strode out of the room.

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