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(n.) intense happiness

TESSA WAS TWELVE TODAY. It was the seventh of October and she was relevantly surprised to know that her friends all found out about her birthday. Her uncle and Philip had sent her a parcel with her gifts, along with her friends from Hogwarts. Malfoy hadn't spoken to her at all today and she was exceptionally happy at that fact.

     Harry and Ron never left her side, constantly on either sides of her, while Fred and George would pop in every now and then with similar obnoxious grins. Hermione was still furious at Tessa and the boys for what had happened that night in the trophy room, but she had wished Tessa a happy birthday warmly.

     It was supper and everyone was gathered in the Great Hall for dinner. Tessa was sitting between Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas with Ron and Harry in front. She was laughing at a joke Dean made when there was a a tap on her shoulder. Tessa and the others all turned to see a smiling Slytherin boy.

     "Theo!" Tessa smiled and got to her feet.

     "Hey." Theodore Nott handed her a wrapped package. "Happy Birthday."

     She took it from him. "Thanks, Theo. But you didn't have to get me anything."

     He shook his head. "No, it's fine. I want to." Theo waved and headed back to his table, plopping on his seat next to Malfoy who rolled his eyes.

     A week later, owls swooped in the Great Hall as always for daily mail. Tessa was expecting a broom from Uncle Kasi today. She had owled him about getting in the Quidditch team and she had asked if he could mail her her old broom.

     However, there were two parcels of what were clearly broomsticks carried by several owls. The one that had Tommy carrying it was dropped in front of Tessa, while the other was dropped in front of Harry. Everyone immediately leaned over to both of them as Tessa fed her owl some food. She was surprised to find a small folded note tied around a tiny, poorly wrapped parcel and she opened it discreetly.

Belated Happy Birthday
From: doesn't matter

Tessa made a face but curiously opened the parcel. She let out a cross between a gasp and a squeal upon seeing a book she's always wanted to read. Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare. She glanced around her in hopes of being able to find who could have possibly sent it to her, but no one was looking at her with a knowing expression.

     Her eyebrows furrowed when she realized there was a letter under the book. It had already been opened by someone, and Tessa looked to see that it was addressed to her from Philip.

Hey Tessie,

     It's almost your birthday! You're nearly catching up to my age now. How are you so far? Getting into trouble yet? Owl me some of Hogwarts's treats on Halloween and I'll do the same.

     P.S., do you still want that Muggle book by that Shakespeare guy? Much Ado About Nothing?


     Tessa frowned at the fact that someone had taken this letter from her, but pocketed it in her robes before diverting her attention to the wrapped broomstick. She unwrapped it and expected to see her old broom, but let out a squeal as she covered her mouth with her hands. Her uncle had sent her the Silver Arrow that she wasn't allowed to use. The Silver Arrow that belonged to her mother when she played Quidditch in Hogwarts and in Puddlemere United.

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