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Congratulations sinfulxsoul ! Your epilogue was absolutely beautiful, and I truly enjoyed it! Thank you so much for submitting it, I'm honored you shared your work with me.

Tessa paced nervously across the tile floor of the bathroom, chewing nervously on her thumb. Her mind going haywire; unable to form any coherent thoughts.

"Times up, Tess!" Hermione squealed, grinning brightly at the blue-black haired woman.

The girl stopped short in her pacing, her body going still, so still Hermione thought she'd stopped breathing. She whimpered, her hazel eyes filling with fear as she directed them over towards her best friend, "Mione, what am I going to tell him if it's positive?"

The used-to-be bushy haired girl smiled kindly at the Potter girl as she stood to grab her shoulders. "You'll figure it out. But you can't avoid finding out if you're pregnant or not."

"We aren't even married yet! Mione, I can't get married when I'm fat!" she cried, her breathing becoming shorter and more frequent. Hermione groaned, pushing Tessa towards the muggle pregnancy test she had bought for her.

Wordlessly, she reached a trembling hand out to grab the test. Taking a deep breath, she flipped the plastic over to see the results.

"Hermione..." she looked at the other girl through the mirror, a single tear dripping onto her scarred cheek, "I'm pregnant."


She stared deeply into the cup of hot cocoa, which was ironically not longer hot, waiting for her fiancé to get home from work. Hermione has left a few hours ago, promising to not say a word to anyone, even Ron, whom she had recently moved in with.

Tessa didn't hear the pop from outside the house, nor did she acknowledge the front door opening and closing. She did, however, jump in shock and fear when she felt a warm hand land itself on her shoulder.

Draco looked down at the love of his life in concern, "you alright, love? You look like you've just seen Theo naked."

Draco smiled fondly as she let out a soft laugh.

He moved to sit in the chair next to her, grabbing her hand and pulling it up to his mouth. His lips brushed her knuckles before he pressed her palm against his cheek, his large hand remaining over hers. "What's the matter, Tess?"

Her bottom lip trembled as she studied his face, memorizing each and every feature - all the way from the creases by his silvery eyes to the curve and exact color of his soft lips.

She took a deep breath, "I've got something to tell you..." She watched his face cloud with worry before she whimpered softly,

"Draco, I'm pregnant."

The white haired man froze, so still anyone would've sworn him to be petrified, just as she was in their second year at Hogwarts. His lips had parted in shock, his silver eyes unblinking.

It seemed like hours before he managed to choke out any sound.

"What? Preg- you're- huh?"

She began to move away from him, her eyes filling with tears as she averted her gaze to something behind him. She had a feeling he wouldn't have been happy.

Draco stood up so fast that the dining chair nearly tipped over. But he didn't care - no, he didn't care if he had scraped up the floor. He didn't care when Tessa flinched at the sudden movement or loud noise.

He didn't care about anything at that point in time as he pulled the Girl-Who-Lived-to-Protect from her seat and into his chest, happily spinning her around with a laugh.

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