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TESSA'S LAUGHTER ECHOED THROUGHOUT THE KITCHEN AS DRACO TRIED TO TEACH HER HOW TO COOK. It was Christmas Eve, and the two of them along with Scorpius, Theo, his wife, and their son Damian were having dinner together. The Malfoys would spend Christmas morning with the Potters and Weasleys.

"Mum, it's going to burn!" Scorpius exclaimed from where he sat on the counter, eating chips with Damian. "Hurry, turn off the — it's burnt," he deadpanned.

     Damian stuffed some more chips to conceal his snickers as Theo unabashedly guffawed out loud.

     It was Christmas of 2024, both Damian and Scorpius had already graduated from Hogwarts last year while Daisie was still in her sixth year. She insisted on staying in Hogwarts from Christmas this year, saying how her friend couldn't go home, and she didn't want to leave her all alone.

     "I'm sorry," Tessa said innocently, pouting up at Draco as she batted her lashes to give him the effects of puppy dog eyes.

     Of course — Draco was putty in his wife's hands.

     "No, no, it's okay, love," he said at once, taking over the stove as he took the frying pan from her. "Look, you did an excellent job. Just a few seconds earlier and you would've cooked it to perfection." He pressed a kiss against her temple as Tessa swelled over her husband's praise.

Before anyone else could saying anything, there was a loud bang of the front door that caused everyone to jolt in surprise. Tessa whirled around as they all looked to where the sound of footsteps drew closer — and Daisie Malfoy appeared with her clothes and hair wet from the rain. She was sobbing, coming to a halt when she saw all of them staring at her.

"Daisie?" Tessa asked in alarm, taking a step to her daughter. "What the hell happened?"

Daisie sniffed, her jade green eyes averting from Damian's curious gaze as she blurted out, "Lorcan Scamander happened, that's what!" And with that said, she burst into tears again as she bolted up the stairs to her room.

Tessa merely shared a single glance with Draco before they both hurried after their daughter. Theo perked up, sending a silent look to his wife who rolled her eyes at him and said, "Go on, I'll take care of dinner. You're so nosy." She clicked her tongue at him as Theo went up the stairs as well to check on them.

Damian frowned, eyebrows knitting together as he asked, "Lorcan and your sister . . . ?"

Scorpius shook his head, shrugging. "I don't know. I mean — I see the way he looks at her . . . but I don't know. Why?"

The brown haired boy stayed silent, gaze directed at the staircase where Daisie once was. "Nothing," Damian murmured, "I was just — "

"Worried?" Scorpius raised an eyebrow at his best friend, crossing his arms. "Why? Why are you worried if my sister and Lorcan are together?"

Damian's face burned as he hastily looked away from him. "It's nothing, Scorpius. Drop it."

Scorpius still kept his narrowed eyes at Damian, but said nothing more.

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     "Daisie?" Tessa called out gently, knocking on her daughter's door. "Can I come in?"

     She heard a hiccuped sob before the door swung open to reveal Daisie. She'd stripped out of her soaking wet clothes and now warmed herself with a bathrobe. She perched on the edge of her bed, her face puffy as her sobs died down.

Tessa claimed the spot next to her daughter at once, waving her wand and using a drying spell on her hair. "What happened, my love?" she asked in a lilting voice, wrapping a comforting arm around her.

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