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(adj.) wicked or criminal

TESSA WAS GETTING TIRED, BUT SHE WOULD NEVER ADMIT IT. She was panting by now, and her muscles were sore. Her legs were starting to shake — they've been going at it since early this morning.

     "Tessa, slow down!" Philip was breathing heavily, doing his best to catch up to her. Her pace was definitely something.

     "Knackered already, Philip?" she teasingly asked, leaning forward to go faster.

     He huffed and grumbled, "I wouldn't be if you weren't going too fast."

     Tessa laughed, opening her mouth to say something but was cut off by a voice calling out to them, "Tessa, Philip — come down for dinner!"

     "Coming, Uncle Kasi!" the two hollered back in unison, loosening the grip on their brooms as they slowed down and descended to the ground. The sun was nearly setting, and Tessa could see the faint colors of the dark blue night kissing away the lazy pink hues of afternoon.

     "Have you packed your bags yet?" Philip asked her, shutting the front door behind them as the two headed for the dining room.

Tessa nodded excitedly, rushing over to wash her hands and slide into her seat. "All ready. Even Tommy's prepared to go, too."

Kasi was setting their dinner in the center of the table. Her uncle's best friend—all the way since they were Durmstrang students—and Philip's father, Alexander Williamson, sat across of Philip. He smiled warmly at her. "You'll be staying at the Burrow with the Weasleys for the rest of the summer, yeah?"

"Yes, and I'm so excited to see them! Ron and the twins have been pestering me nonstop the past two weeks on visiting them already." Tessa laughed, remembering all those letters up in her room from the boys and from Hermione as well. She'd sent several to Harry, but she received none from him. She wasn't too surprised, considering the fact that he lived with his Muggle Aunt, Uncle, and cousin Dudley — they probably held him in a tight leash.

     "Where's Mum?" Philip asked, taking his seat next to Tessa as Uncle Kasi sat next to Uncle Alex. Now that Philip mentioned it, it really has been a while since she'd seen Aunt Eliza.

     The two adults shared a glance before dodging Philip's question as Uncle Kasi told them to tuck in their dinner. Shrugging, Tessa hungrily ate as the four talked loudly and animatedly throughout the night.

     The next morning, Uncle Kasi dropped her off at the Burrow before heading off to work. The house was quiet before she knocked on the door, and she wondered if anyone was home. The front door flung open before she could knock again, and she was met with the familiar, plump face of Molly Weasley.

     "Tessa, dear!" she exclaimed happily, gathering her into a warm hug. "It's so good to see you!"

     "Mrs. Weasley!" Tessa hugged her back just as tightly. "Thank you for having me here, I'm so happy to see you!"

"Nonsense, you're always welcome here," the older woman said, patting Tessa's cheek before pulling her inside. "Don't worry about your trunk and your owl cage — Percy will bring those up for you."

     The Weasleys' Burrow wasn't a large manor, rather it was small and cozy. Tessa loved it, she felt comfortable in here and at home. She'd visited here once or twice when she was very young, and she remembered the happiness and warm hearth.

     "Is Ron here? Fred and George?" Tessa asked as Molly brought her into the cramped kitchen. "Oh, what about Ginny?"

     Molly popped open the oven and revealed a freshly baked batch of cookies, and Tessa's mouth watered instantly. "Those sons of mine are off gallivanting in Merlin knows where," Molly's voice raised and Tessa stifled her laughter. "Ginny's upstairs, still sleeping. She was ecstatic to find out you were coming over today, she tidied her room yesterday for the both of you to sleep in."

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