(1) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 1

I was so nervous it felt like I was going to faint. Bret and I decided that tonight was going to be the night that we go all the way. I've known Bret and he's family all my life, our parents have been friends since they were in high school so we basically grew up together.

Bret is only a few months older than me and we've been dating for about two years now but we've been best friends since I can remember. I turned sixteen two weeks ago and that is when we decided that it was time to take our relationship to the next level.

I am an only child but Bret has two brothers. Ryan is twenty and is studying to become a lawyer, Ethan is fifteen and a complete loner. They are all very different from each other but they are a close family and you can see that they really care about each other no matter how different they are.

I checked the watch to make sure how much time I had left before Bret was picking me up. It was six pm, I had exactly a half an hour left. We were going to dinner and then back to he's house. I have always slept over at he's house so nobody would even suspect a thing.

I wasn't sure what I was suppose to wear so I decided on black lacey underwear and a nice little red dress that I was saving for a special occasion. I pulled a brush through my straight black hair that hung to my waste and then applied some light makeup to bring out the green in my eyes.

I took a look in the mirror and hoped to myself that it didn't look like I was trying to hard, I just wanted to look nice for Bret. You only get to loose your virginity once and I wanted it to be as special as possible for the both of us.

I checked the clock again and saw that I had five minutes left and decided to go downstairs and wait there. I started getting worried as the minutes passed, Bret was never late. I tried being patient and to stay calm but at a quarter to seven I was going out of my mind and decided to call him.

Hi this is Bret, you know what to do. Came the sound of Bret's voicemail.

Hi, it's me. Where are you? Phone me when you get this, I'm worried. I said into the phone and hung up.

This really wasn't like Bret, he always answers he's phone when I call him, I could feel that something was really wrong. I waited another few minutes but when he didn't return my call I decided to phone Ethan and find out if he knew anything.

"Hi" Ethan answered.

"Hi, it's Karley" I replied.

"Yea I know, what's up?" He asked,

"Well I was just wondering if you knew where Bret is, he was suppose to pick me up but he's late and he's not answering he's phone".

"He left a while ago, he should have been there by now" Ethan replied sounding worried.

"I'm coming over to you're place, maybe he's car broke down on the way" I said as I hung up the phone.

I grabbed my purse and ran out of the house almost forgetting to lock up behind me. I jumped into my car and sped off hoping to find Bret somewhere down the road. We only lived a few blocks away from each other and by the time I reached he's house I felt numb with fear.

I tried phoning him again and left another message before getting out of my car and running up to his house. Ethan opened the door for me before I could even knock and by the look on he's face I could see he was just as worried about Bret as I was.

"You didn't find him" Ethan stated as I walked past him.

"No and he isn't answering he's phone!" I yelled as I fell down on a couch.

"I know, I tried him too. I'm going to phone Ryan and see if he knows something" Ethan said pulling he's cell out of he's pocket.

I heard him talking over the phone but I didn't really listen to what he was saying as the worst possible images and thoughts started running through my head. What if he crashed he's car and I didn't see it? What if he was hi jacked or....

"Karley!" I heard a voice yell snapping me back to reality. I looked up and noticed that Ethan looked even more upset then when I arrived.

"What happened?" I asked feeling like a complete idiot for not listening to what he said when he was on the phone.

"Ryan doesn't know anything so I phoned my parents. They don't know where he is either, they're all coming home"

We sat there in silence while we waited for he's parent's to get home. They arrived a few minutes later and Ryan got there shortly after them.

"We should call the cops" I told Bret's mom as she sat down next to me and gave me a hug.

"We already did on our way here, they said you can't report somebody missing until they've been gone for twenty four hours but that they will send a few patrol cars out to check the area anyway" She answered getting up and walking to the kitchen. Ryan sat down next to me and gave me a quick hug. He looked just as worried as the rest of us but somehow managed to stay calm and collected.

"They'll find him, don't worry" He said softly and then sat back in the chair next to me. Everybody was quiet, not sure what to say or do and I was about to go and search for Bret myself when he's mom's cell phone rang.

Everybody listened to hear what was going on but I couldn't make out what was going on from her side of the conversation.

"What did they say?" I asked jumping up from the couch and running over to her.

"They found he's car" She answered looking over at her husband who walked closer and placed he's arm around her.

"And?" Ethan asked coming to stand beside me.

"He wasn't in it, they're searching for him" She answered looking pale and terrified.

"Where did they find he's car?" I asked feeling numb and confused. I knew everything that was happening was real but somehow it felt like it was some horrible nightmare.

"At the lake" she answered as she broke down and started crying.

I didn't wait around any longer, I grabbed my handbag from the couch and ran out to my car with Ethan following me. It usually takes about fifteen minutes to get to the lake but I made it there in ten, I broke the speed limit and skipped all the red lights but didn't really care if I got a ticket at that moment.

When we got to the lake I could see a few cop cars standing around and brought my car to a stop. Ethan jumped out and ran over to the cops with me following behind him.

"Did you find him?" I asked the closest cop.

"Yes miss" He answered.

"Well, where is he?" Ethan asked looking irritated by the lack of information. The cop didn't answer us, instead he looked in the direction where a few other cops were standing. I took off running in that direction figuring that is where Bret was.

"Where is he!?" I yelled as I reached the cops.

"Please calm down Miss" The one officer said taking a step in my direction. That is when I saw something lying in the bushes behind them.

"Nooooo!" I let out an ear piercing scream as I realized what it was I was looking at. I pushed past the cops as my heart pounded in my chest and tears started streaming down my face.

"No, no, no..." I sobbed softly as I fell down beside Bret. He's shirt was torn and covered in blood. Ethan fell down next to me and I could hear him swearing and sobbing but I was too shock to take much notice of him.

"No" I whispered softly as I hugged he's body tightly against mine.

"Please step away from the body" I heard a voice say but I didn't pay any attention to it. There was no way I was leaving Bret, I would stay here with him forever if I could but then I felt a hand gripping my arm and pulling me away.

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