(27) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers. 

Chapter 27 

The little tape recorder thing was actually really cool, there was this little mike thing that was so small that I could easily fit it into my jeans pocket without Ryan noticing anything. Apparently the thing had a very wide signal range which was also a good thing considering that Ethan was going to wait in the car with the other piece of the recording device which consisted of another little speaker and recorder. This way he could hear everything Ryan and I said and record it at the same time. 

He wasn't happy about waiting in the car but there was no other option. Ethan directed me to Ryan's apartment building and told me where to park. Ryan's apartment was on the other side of the building and he won't be able to see the car or Ethan from there. 

"I hope he's here" I said placing the little mike thing in my pocket. 

"He's here, that's his car" Ethan replied pointing to it. 

"Ok, good, let's do this then" I replied trying to sound brave while my insides were freaking out. I would only have one shot to do this right so I better not screw it up. 

"Are you sure you want to?" Ethan asked and I could see the concern on his face. 

"Yip, everything will be ok as long as you remember that anything you hear me say to him is a lie" I said as I opened the car door and readied myself for what I was about to do. 

"I will, promise me you'll be careful?" He asked grabbing a hold of me and looking me straight in the eyes. 

"Promise" I whispered back as I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. The kiss was short but filled with passion and love. 

I made my way up to Ryan's apartment on the third floor. Ethan had told me that it was number 35 B and that it was right at the end of the hallway. I found it with ease coming to a stand in front of it and taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. 

I knocked on the door and waited in anticipation as I heard somebody moving about inside. I knocked again and as I did the door flew open revealing Ryan. He didn't have a shirt on, his hair was a mess and it looked like he hasn't shaven for a week. 

"Karley" He said, surprise showing on his face. I smiled sweetly at him hoping he won't notice the hate in my eyes. 

"Ryan" I replied watching him carefully. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked as the surprise from earlier passed and was replaced with what looked like excitement. 

"I wanted to talk to you, I don't like the way we left things" I answered hoping that he was going to buy my act. He shook his head as if he understood and stepped to the side for me to enter. 

"Ok, come in" He replied smiling now. 

His apartment was a complete mess but I didn't mention it, I wanted to get to the point and get this over with. He walked passed me and came to a stop at the entrance of his little kitchen. 

"Would you like something to drink?" He offered calmly making me certain that he didn't know that I heard what he had said before about killing Bret. 

"No thanks, I'm not thirsty" I replied walking over to his couch and sitting down. My throat was actually really dry but I was way too scared that he was going to throw something in my drink to drug me. 

"Why don't you come over here, I have something really important I need to talk to you about" I said patting the couch next to me. I didn't want him anywhere near me but for him to believe me I had to act like I really cared. 

"Ok" He agreed as he walked over and sat down next to me. 

"What is it that's so important?" Ryan asked still ill at ease. 

"I don't know how to tell you this but I think... I think I'm in love with you" I replied shocking myself with how calm my voice sounded. He looked surprised by my words but I could tell that he didn't realize that I was lying. 

"What about Ethan?" He questioned unable to keep the smile from his face. 

"I thought I liked him but I was wrong, it is you I want" I replied disgusting myself and feeling awful that Ethan had to listen to this. 

"I knew you'd come around" Ryan said excitedly grabbing a hold of my shoulder and pulling me towards him. Every instinct in my body was telling me to punch him but I couldn't do that, it would blow everything. 

"Wait!" I almost yelled as his lips moved closer to mine. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me with confusion written across his face. 

"I thought you said you want me" He stated obviously not understanding why I would stop him from kissing me. 

"I do but first we need to talk about some stuff" I answered trying to act normal but I could feel the fear rising in my body with every second that passed. 

"Like what?" Ryan asked pulling away from me looking irritated. 

"Bret" I replied and watched as his face turned red and filled with anger.

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