(19) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 19

Ethan didn't say anything but I could feel his body shaking with anger beneath me. I was glad I was sitting on top of him because I'm not sure what he would have done if I wasn't.

"Why do you think that?" Ethan asked after a few minutes of silence. I could hear a combination of pain and anger in his voice causing my heart to pain even more. This really sucked. When will the pain ever stop for us?

I moved off of his lap so that I could look at him but held both of his hands in mine.

"After I left the hospital Ryan phoned, he wanted to talk to me so I told him to come over" I said and I could tell by the look on Ethan's face that he wasn't very happy about it.

"Go on" He encouraged with a strained expression on his face. I bet if I wasn't there with him he would be freaking out.

"I told him that I didn't want to see him anymore. I tried to explain to him that I wanted to be his friend but that I just didn't like him in a romantic way. He guessed that I like you and I confirmed it figuring he has to know" I said remembering how angry he was when I told him this.

"What did he do Karley?" Ethan asked as his body started shaking again.

"He kicked the table and then he stormed off mumbling to himself, I don't think I was supposed to hear what he said" I replied not wanting to say the words out loud but knowing I had to.

"What did he say?" Ethan asked and I gripped his hands tighter.

"He said and I quote. I should have gotten rid of him too, little piece of shit" I answered and watched as hatred filled Ethan's face.

"Fucken bastard! I'm going to kill him!" Ethan yelled jumping off of my bed and ripping his hands out of mine. This is what I was scared of, I wasn't sure how Ethan would react when I told him but I kind of figured it would be something like this.

"No, you're not going to do anything stupid!" I yelled getting off of the bed and pulling the key out of my door, I couldn't let him leave.

"I'm going to kill him Karley! He killed Bret and now he is threatening to kill me!" Ethan yelled infuriated and then turned around and looked me straight in the eye.

"I don't mind dying Karley but it is obvious that Ryan wants you and I could never live with myself if he hurt you in any way" He said and by the look in his eyes I could tell that he was telling the truth and I knew that if he somehow got his hands on Ryan he would kill him without hesitation. I couldn't let him do that, I needed him way too much.

"Nothing is going to happen to me, at least not tonight. He can't do anything to us while we are here, let's just think about it and then we can decide what to do tomorrow" I said trying to calm him.

He was holding on to my desk chair shaking and breathing deeply, I think he was trying to control his anger.

"Can I use your bathroom?" He asked.

"Yea, of course" I answered and watched him walking over to it. He closed the door behind him so I walked closer and listened what he was doing. He couldn't get out of the window because it had burglar bars on but knowing Ethan he might just try. I heard him opening the tap and letting the water run, he was probably splashing his face trying to calm himself, that was a good thing. Next I heard some scuffling noises and a cupboard door closing. I was considering if I should go in and check on him when I heard him start crying. I burst in and his head snapped up looking at me. He was holding on to the basin and had a razor blade in his hand.

"I know I promised you I won't" He said as some tears ran down his face. His whole body was trembling and he was gripping the blade so tightly that he was cutting his hand. Blood ran down the basin.

I wasn't sure what to, this whole situation was crazy. The only thing I knew is that I had to stop him before he hurt himself again. I ran over to him and pressed my lips against his. At first he didn't kiss me back but then I felt his tongue licking at my lip asking for entrance and I opened for him gladly. His body was tense as he pulled me tightly against him and dropped the razor in the basin.

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