(26) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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Hi Guys!

I've gotten a request to write in Ryan's POV so a piece of this chapter is written from his POV. I hope you all enjoy it and don't forget to vote and comment. I love reading your comments and knowing what you all think about my stories.



My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 26

Ethan stayed with me until I fell asleep and luckily this time I didn't have any dreams. I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and feeling tired. I swear when this whole mess is over I'm going to get into bed and sleep for a few days. I got up and made my way to my bathroom dreading the thought of what I was going to be doing today. I wish that Ethan didn't insist on going with but I kind of understood his concern about me being alone with Ryan.

I turned on the water and waited for it to get hot before I stripped of my clothes and got in. The warm water was a welcome distraction as it ran down my tense body. I washed my body and my hair and then stayed under the water until it started getting cold. I got out wrapping a towel around me and went back into my room to get dressed.

I didn't want to look to sexy but I also didn't want to look like a slob when I go to see Ryan. I was supposed to make him think that I like him and to do that I was going to have to swallow the bit of pride I had and play the role of a desperate little girl who made the wrong choice. I knew it wasn't going to be easy to get Ryan to open up to me, he is going to have to believe that I really want him.

I got dressed in tight fitting denim and a black top that showed off some of my curves. I didn't want to overdo it so I put on some flats instead of heels. I towel dried my hair not needing to straighten it. When it was dry it fell right into place and I added a bit of mascara and lip gloss to finish off the look.

When I was done getting ready I walked over to Ethan's room but the door was standing wide open letting me know that he wasn't inside. I headed to the kitchen where I found him sitting at the table casually talking to my mom. I sat down on the chair next to him and squeezed his hand. He smiled at me and then answered some random question my mom had asked about school. She was making French toast and I have to admit that it smelled delicious. When she was done we all sat around the table and ate while she kept on throwing us with questions. She was being very discreet but I could tell what she was getting at, she wanted to know if Ethan and I are dating.

When we were done eating we grabbed our school bags and left telling my mom that we were going to school. It was an obvious lie but she didn't notice as she prepared to go to work. Once we were in the car we made our way to the pharmacy to get the morning after pill and some condoms and then we headed to the mall to get a tape recorder that was small enough for me to hide under my clothes.

Ryan's POV

I groaned as I opened my eyes to see the sun shining into my room, I must have forgotten to close the blinds last night. I was supposed to be at college today but that was obviously not going to happen. I slowly sat up and threw my legs off of the bed knocking over and empty tequila bottle. I rubbed my head that was aching and spinning wildly before I got up and pulled on some jeans over my boxers.

I needed to eat something but my stomach had other ideas as it squeezed and spun, I just made it to the bathroom before bile rose up in my throat and I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I sat there for a while making sure I wasn't going to hurl again before I got up and brushed my teeth, I hated the taste of puke in my mouth. I splashed some cold water on my face when I was done and made my way into my small kitchen.

I couldn't cook for shit so I grabbed some left over pizza from last night and fell down on a chair stuffing it into my mouth. I had about three slices when my eyes fell upon the big butcher's knife that was lying on the table. The fucking pizza place didn't cut the pizza so I had to do it myself last night.

I pushed away the box of pizza and grabbed a hold of the knife looking at it intently. There was so much I could do with this knife I thought as I tested its sharpness against the palm of my hand. The skin on my hand parted and a streak of blood immediately appeared. This was a sharp one, it would work much better than the one I used to kill Bret.

The memories of that night flashed through my mind as if it happened yesterday and I couldn't help but smile. Bret had confided in me that he and Karley was going to have sex for the first time and I could feel the jealousy and lust taking over my body. I couldn't let him have her, I wanted her for myself. I thought I would have more time to win her over and convince her that she should be with me and not him considering how young they were but I was obviously wrong about the seriousness of their relationship.

I had to do something to stop them. I couldn't let him have sex with her, I wanted to be the one to take her virginity, I wanted to be the one that made her scream with pleasure. I considered my options as the day went by but could only come up with one solution, I had to get rid of Bret. When the time came for him to leave that night I waited for him next to the road. He automatically stopped when he saw me, it was all too easy really. I grabbed a hold of him and pushed him to the floor. He struggled but I was much stronger than him, I tied him up and pushed him into the passenger seat of his car then I drove over to the lake knowing it would be deserted at that time of the night.

He begged me not to hurt him and told me that he would help me with whatever was going on but there was nothing he could do to help me. I wanted his girl and I knew he wouldn't just give her up so I did what I had to do. The knife wasn't as sharp as this one but it did the job just fine. I stabbed him over and over again as I told him what I was going to do to Karley. His face was tortured from the pain as he begged me not to hurt her. It took a few minutes for him to die but when he was gone I felt relieved. Now that he was out of the picture Karley would be mine. I knew she would morn him for a while but I would be there to console her and then she would fall in love with me. I managed not to get any blood on my clothes so when I got the call from Ethan telling me that Karley was at our house I quickly hurried to my car that I hid not too far away and made my way to our house to comfort her.

The problem is that it didn't quite work out the way I planned. Once everybody knew that Bret was dead my whole family went to shit and Karley wanted nothing to do with me. She kept to herself but I kept on telling myself that she just needed time. When she phoned me and invited me to her party I thought she was finally over Bret and ready to move on with me but it turned out she wanted to move on with Ethan instead so now I am going to have to get rid of him too.

I pressed the knife harder against my palm releasing a fresh spill of blood. I watched as the blood dripped down onto the table and threw the knife down next to it. I quickly scanned the table and grabbed the photo of Karley that was lying on it. She is so hot and sexy and soon she would be mine no matter what I had to do to get her.

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