(9) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 9

I pulled my hair away to the side as he moved closer and reached his arms around my neck. With every move he made my heart beat faster and I could hear myself breathing louder, I hoped he didn't notice it. He gently clipped the choker around my neck and I felt a thrill of pleasure run through my body and his fingers brushed my skin.

"It fits you perfectly" Ethan whispered. Our bodies were still very close to each other and I couldn't help but wonder if he felt the electricity flowing between us too.

"Thank you" I whispered not knowing what else to say on not really trusting myself at that moment. Ethan stayed like that for a few more seconds and then moved back to the opposite side of the bed.

I felt the warmth of his body disappearing and I had to stop myself from moving closer to him. The whole situation had me completely confused. I was still morning for Bret but I was so attracted to Ethan and then of course there was Ryan and the kiss we shared earlier.

I stayed with Ethan for about an hour before I decided that I had to go back home and check on the party. Ethan looked a lot better when I left and for some reason that made me feel a lot better too. When I got back home it was after three in the morning and the party had slowed down completely, most of the kids were gone except for a few that was either passed out or making out.

I made my way through the house figuring I will chase away anybody that was still left when I woke up. I was exhausted from everything that's happened tonight and all I wanted to do was get in my bed and sleep. I locked the door behind me, took off my shoes and fell down on my bed. It didn't take long before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of Super Massive Black Hole and realized that it was my cell phone ringing. I was still feeling tired and wanted to go back to sleep but whoever it was that was calling me was very persistent because the damned thing just kept on ringing.

I sat up groaning and wondered where I had left it, I couldn't remember so I followed the sound and discovered it on my dresser. I picked it up planning on telling the person to bug off but stopped in my tracks when I saw the caller Id. Ryan.

I didn't feel like talking to him after last night and I wouldn't know what to say to him anyway so I put the phone down and sat down on my bed wondering what I was going to do. Ethan is really angry at Ryan and I'm not sure if it would be possible to be friends with both of them at the same time. I'm not even sure if it is possible to be friends with one of them because of all these feelings I have whenever I am around them.

I decided to go down stairs and evaluate the damage before my parents returned home. The place was a mess but at least nothing was broken or stolen from what I could tell. Luckily all the kids had gone home except for a couple that was sleeping on the couch, I didn't know them so I decided to wake them and ask them to leave. They were a bit grouchy but eventually gathered their things and disappeared, I think they were still a bit drunk.

I locked the door after they left and went upstairs to take a shower and put on some clothes before I faced the task of cleaning the place. I put on some jeans, pumps and a tank top before taking a look in the mirror and tying my hair up in a messy pony. I headed downstairs dreading what lay ahead so I put it off by making breakfast and eating it slowly.

After about a half an hour I realized I couldn't put it off any longer and started cleaning. I was busy picking up and throwing away all the paper cups that was scattered through the house when I heard the doorbell ring. I was really hoping to have the place clean by the time my parents got back but at least now they will see that it was a proper party.

I walked over to the door, unlocked it and pulled it open to reveal Ryan with a worried look on his face.

"You didn't answer your phone" He stated plainly.

"I didn't hear it, I've been downstairs cleaning" I replied and was surprised at how fast I thought up such a good lie.

"Oh... Well I'm here now so do you need any help?" Ryan asked as a smile formed on his face. I wanted to say no and ask him to leave but for some reason I just couldn't get myself to say no to him.

"Yea... Ok" I replied stepping aside so that he could enter.

I closed the door behind him nervously and turned around to watch him walk over to the rubbish bag and start picking up and throwing away stuff that was lying around. It was like I was watching Bret and I had to force myself to look away.

We cleaned in silence for a while but I knew I couldn't just ignore him.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked trying to be polite yet keep the distance between us.

"Yea, thanks" Ryan replied throwing a heart stopping smile at me. I walked to the kitchen quickly cursing myself for letting him have this effect on me. I didn't feel like having soda so I took two clean glasses out of the cupboard and poured us some juice before making my way back to the living room.

I handed Ryan a glass and sat down on the couch, I was hoping he wouldn't join me but deep down I knew he would. He sat down beside me causing butterflies to erupt in my tummy. I knew it was wrong to let this go on, we would both end up getting hurt because he liked me and I was using him to feel close to Bret.

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