(18) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 18

I sat there frozen on the living room floor as his words played over and over in my head. It didn't make any sense but somehow I knew it was true. Ryan had killed Bret.

I must have sat like that for about half an before I gathered enough strength to get up and clean the mess. I didn't want my parents to get home and see the place looking like that. I would tell them that I broke the vase if they noticed that it was gone.

I tried pushing Ryan's words out of my mind not wanting to think about it and what it meant. I knew I would have to deal with it but I just couldn't deal with it right now. What was I supposed to do anyway? There was no way I could tell Ethan now, at least not while he was in the hospital recovering. I could tell the cops but for some reason I doubted that they would believe me and there was no way I was telling my parents, I'm way to scared that they would send me to that mental hospital they are always threatening me with.

I was scared for Ethan and what Ryan might try to do to him so I rushed back to the hospital leaving my parents a note telling them that I had gone out. There was no way I was going to come back home tonight and leave Ethan alone at the hospital. When he gets released tomorrow I will take him to my house and tell him what happened.

I waited in the waiting room until it was visiting hours and literally ran into Ethan's room. His lips turned up into a sexy grin when he saw me and I just couldn't restrain myself. I threw my arms around his neck and started sobbing.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked lightly brushing his hands through my hair. I knew I shouldn't upset him but I had to tell somebody. I couldn't keep what Ryan had said to myself, it was eating me up.

"I... I need to t... tell you something" I stuttered through my sobs.

"What is it Karley?" Ethan asked his voice full of worry. I thought about how he would react and knew there was no way I could tell him in here.

"I can't tell you in here" I said honestly. My words made Ethan look even more worried but he somehow managed to stay calm.

"Ok, let's get out of here then" He said sitting up and pulling the IV needles out of his arms.

"No! Don't do that!" I almost shouted trying to stop him but failing miserably.

"Whatever you want to tell me is obviously upsetting you and since you won't tell me in here we are leaving" Ethan replied matter of factly as he got out of the bed and grabbed his clothes.

"The doctor said you have to stay the night, they won't let you go" I said trying to convince him to get back into the bed.

"They don't have a choice Karley, I'm leaving and that's the end of it" Ethan said as he started pulling on his clothes. I really should have kept quiet, now I only managed to cause even more trouble.

I tried convincing Ethan to stay but he didn't listen to me so I followed him out into the hallway. We sneaked passed the doctors and nurses and made it to my car without being caught. I wasn't sure what would happen when they checked in on him and found him to be missing but I couldn't worry about it right now. The only thing I could think of is Ryan's words and Ethan's safety.

I drove straight to my house because there was no way I was going to let Ethan stay at his house with his crazy brother out there somewhere. My parents were in the living room when I led Ethan into the house causing both of them to stop talking and stare at us. They knew Ethan from before but I'm not sure if they recognized him, he's changed a lot since the last time they saw him.

"Mom, dad, you remember Ethan" I stated smiling at them and hoping they don't notice how my body was shaking.

"Oh, sure we do. Bret's little brother right?" My mom said looking him over.

"Yea, were just going to go upstairs to go over some homework" I lied not wanting to tell them what was really going on. Ethan just kept quiet and looked at them with a strange expression on his face.

"Ok, I'm sure that's fine sweetie" My mom said looking over at my dad. He didn't look very happy but he shook his head in approval.

We went to my room and I locked the door behind us. I grabbed Ethan's hand and led him over to my bed. Tears were stinging my eyes again as I thought about what happened earlier today with Ryan.

"What's wrong Karley? What happened?" Ethan asked pulling me into his arms and hugging me tightly. I inched closer until I was almost sitting on his lap and let my head rest on his chest.

"Tell me what's wrong Karley" Ethan said softly as he kissed the top of my head trying to soothe me.

"I think Ryan killed Bret" I answered and I felt his body stiffen beneath me.

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