(2) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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Hi guys!

I've added a picture of what I think Ethan looks like. Thanks for reading my story and please Comment and Vote it you like it! I love hearing what you guys think!

My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 2

They never found the person responsible for Bret's death and I have never gotten over it. How do you go on living when the best part of you is dead? I went to school and did all the things I had to do but it was more like I was just going through the motions then actually living.

Almost a year had passed and my parents were starting to lose patients with me. They were very understanding in the beginning but as time passed they expected me to go on with my life but I just couldn't.

It was a week before my seventeenth birthday and my mom wanted me to throw a party and act like a normal teenager.

"I don't want to, I just want to be alone" I said not really feeling like having the whole birthday party conversation again.

"Ok young lady! I have just about had enough of this! If you don't pull yourself together right now we're sending you away to get some help" My mom yelled. She has threatened to send me away to get help before but I could see that she was serious this time.

After everything happened my therapist suggested that I go to this place where they help people deal with loss and all sorts of problem. He made it sound so nice but I knew it was a mental institute he was talking about, he thought I had gone crazy.

I considered if being locked up in a mental institute would be so bad for a moment and then realized that all I actually wanted was to stay here and go visit Bret as much as possible. I go visit his grave almost every day and when I can't I go over to his house and sit in his room. His parents left it just the way it was, I'm not sure why but I was grateful.

"Ok, I'll have a party" I finally agreed knowing that I had to start acting normal or my parents would send me away and I won't be able to visit Bret anymore.

"Great!" my mom yelled excitedly and gave me a hug.

My mom told me that I could have the party at our house or in a club if I wanted to and that I didn't have to worry about money because she wanted it to be special. I decided to have it at our house figuring I was going to try to get away with a small party. I wasn't even sure who I was supposed to invite, I stopped talking to most of my friends after Bret died and I haven't really seen Ryan or Ethan since the funeral.

I go over to their house frequently to sit in Bret's room and remember all the times we spent together but Ryan got really involved with his studying after Bret died and almost never even visits his family anymore. Ethan is usually there but I hardly ever see him because he just stays in his room all the time. Their family isn't what it used to be, they don't talk to each other anymore and their parents are always fighting now.

I didn't know where to start so I figured inviting Ryan and Ethan would be a start. I knew Ryan wouldn't be at their house because soon after Bret's death he got his own apartment and moved out.

I picked up my cell and dialed his number wondering what I was going to say after not speaking to him for about a year.

"Hi" He answered.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He asked as I tried getting the courage together to say something.

"Yes, it's me, Karley" There was silence on the other side of the line for a few second.

"Karley... how are you?

"Not to good but I was hoping that I could ask you a favor" I answered figuring I might as well get to the point.

"Yea... ok" He replied hesitantly.

"Well my mom is forcing me to have a birthday party and I was wondering if you would come?" I blurted out.

"Oh... Uhm... when is it?" Ryan asked.

"Next Saturday at my house but you don't have to come if you don't want to" I answered.

"No, I'll come. What time should I be there?" He asked.

"I don't really know, how about seven?"

"Ok, I'll see you then" He answered and then put down the phone.

I stared at my phone for a while wondering how I was going to deal with being around him. Ryan and Bret looked a lot alike and it would be like seeing Bret every time I looked at him. Ethan had the same light brown hair but except for that he didn't look anything like them.

I didn't feel like going out but figured I might as well go over to their house and ask Ethan if he would come to my party and then I could visit with Bret. I didn't bother putting on makeup or dressing up anymore so I grabbed my bag and drove over to their house.

I was a frequent guest there but I never really spoke to Bret's parents anymore, I just headed up to his room and left when I was done.

"Hi Mrs. Scott, I was wondering if Ethan home" I said as Bret's mom opened the door.

"Yes, he's upstairs in his room" She answered looking shocked that I was talking to her.

"Ok, thanks" I said and headed upstairs. Ethan was always a loner but since Bret's death he kept even more to himself, I don't think I have even seen him in the last six month and I've been at his house at least once a week.

I heard loud music coming from his room but didn't recognize it, it sounded like really heavy metal or something. I knocked on his door wondering if he would even hear me over the noise. At first nothing happened but then his door slowly opened revealing a boy I didn't even recognized.

His eyes were the same blue as before but that was about the only thing that was left of the boy I knew. His hair was pitch black and hanging in his face, he had piercings through his lip and was dressed in complete black. He had dark eyeliner around his eyes and his nails were painted black.

My dead boyfriend's brothersWhere stories live. Discover now