(11) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 11

The kiss was nice but I soon realized that I wasn't as attracted to Ryan as I thought I was. Images of Ethan kept on appearing in my mind no matter how hard I tried to push them away and that's when I knew that it wasn't Ryan I wanted to be kissing. I pulled away pretending I had to catch my breath and took a step back. I didn't want to look at Ryan and see the hope in his eyes knowing that I was just going to take that hope and rip it into little pieces.

"I have to finish cleaning up" I said turning away from him and walking over to where the bag of trash was still lying on the ground.

"I'll help you" He replied and I could feel him following me. I had to get away from him but I wasn't sure how to do it without breaking his heart. I've led him on time after time giving him hope that we could have a relationship but after that kiss I know it will never happen.

I only felt attracted to Ryan because he reminded me so much of Bret but now that we've kissed and I weren't daydreaming about Bret I knew I felt nothing romantic towards him at all.

"No, I'll do it. You probably shouldn't be here when my parents get home" I said looking up at him.

"Are you ok?" He questioned looking worried.

"Yea, I'm fine" I lied hoping he wouldn't notice.

"I don't think your parents would mind me being here" Ryan replied looking hopeful that I would change my mind and ask him to stay.

"I know but it would be awkward for me, I'll call you later" I said hoping that me promising to phone he would make him leave.

"Ok, if that's what you want" He replied leaning forward and pressing his lips softly against mine. The kiss was short and luckily I managed to stay calm.

"I'll talk to you later then" Ryan said as he left. I felt relieved that he was gone but worried about what I was going to do about him. It was all this stupid party's fault. If my mom didn't force me to have it everything would still have been the same and I wouldn't be in this mess.

I finished cleaning up the entire house before my parents arrived back home. My mom wanted to know all the detail of my party so I lied. I told her how much fun I had but I left out the part that I wasn't at my party for most of the night and that I didn't even open my gifts, they were all stacked in the corner of my room on the floor.

After I finally managed to get away from my mom I quickly hurried upstairs to my room and locked the door behind me. I felt mentally exhausted and wanted nothing more than to just lay down and forget about everything but there was one person I just couldn't get out of my mind no matter how hard I tried.

I sat down on the floor and started opening the gifts figuring it would be rude if somebody asked me if I like my gift tomorrow at school and I didn't even know what they got me. It was mostly jewelry, clothes and gift cards. When I was done I packed the stuff away and put the gift cards in my handbag figuring they could come in handy.

My mom called me a bit later and I joined them downstairs for dinner. They were both still very excited about their little get away so I tried looking happy too figuring they'll ask less questions and it worked. After dinner I quickly helped my mom clean up the kitchen and then I headed to my room without her objecting.

It was after nine when I finally finished some homework I had left from Friday and decided to take a quick shower and get into bed. I was tired and I really needed to relax and forget about all my problems for a while. When I was done showering I quickly dried my hair and changed into a little pajama short and tank top before slipping in under the covers and closing my eyes.

A few minutes passed and I was on the verge of falling asleep when I heard my cell phone beep letting me know I received a message. I slowly opened my eyes cursing the person who was sending me a text at this time of night and grabbed my phone off of my bedside table.

I opened the message and felt my heart skip a beat when I saw it was from Ethan. Look outside it read making my pulse race. I jumped out of bed forgetting how tired I was and ran over to my window. I pulled the curtain aside, opened the window and stuck my head out.

Just beneath me Ethan stood with a huge smile on his face which was really weird because Ethan doesn't really smile all that much. He had on black skinny jeans, a tight fitting long sleeved black shirt and black boots. If it wasn't for his pale skin I probably wouldn't even have noticed him.

"Can I come up?" He half whispered, half yelled at me.

"Yea" I answered wondering how he was possible going to manage to do it. I would never have managed climbing up the wall using the window sill and the gutter but Ethan somehow managed it. He climbed through my window still wearing a smile on his face but looking a bit more nervous than before.

"Is everything ok?" I asked wondering what was going on.

"Yea, I... I just wanted to do something" He replied.

"Oh ok, what is it?" I asked curiously.

"This" He replied closing the space between us and pressing his lips tightly against mine.

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