(24) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 24

I turned the water on and pulled off my wet clothes as fast as I could. I jumped into the shower and was about to check how far Ethan was with getting out of his clothes when I felt his arms wrap around me. I turned in his grip so that I was facing him and pressed my lips tightly against his. He kissed me back passionately as he moved me so that my back was pressed against the shower wall.

The water was warm and added to the excitement as our hands roamed each other's bodies. Ethan was looking hotter than ever with his soaking black hair hanging in his face and his smudged eyeliner. I moved my hand down his body and took his erection in my hand. He was hard and ready and there was nothing I wanted more then to feel him inside of me.

"Take me now" I whispered breathlessly into his ear and I could feel him growing even harder in my hand.

"We don't have a condom" He whispered back licking down my neck.

"I don't care" I replied letting go of his erection and grabbing a hold of his face in both my hands. I wanted him now, I'll worry about everything else later. He looked into my eyes and obviously found what he was looking for there because he leaned forward and kissed me hard on the lips.

He grabbed a hold of my hips and lifted me up against the wall so that I could straddle him with my legs. I moaned with pleasure as I felt his erection at my entrance. I wanted him so badly I would die if I didn't have him right now. I pulled his body even tighter against mine and dug my nails hard into his back as he pushed himself into me.

I let out a scream of pleasure causing Ethan to pull out of me and thrust in even harder. I could feel my body melting with his as he moved inside of me making my body squirm with pleasure. He thrust harder and harder until we both exploded with pleasure.

We stood like that for a few seconds regaining our breath before we continued showering in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence it was a happy silence, it feels so good when we are together that it makes everything else seem worthless in comparison. When we were done showering we got dressed in some dry clothes and laid down on my bed.

"We didn't use a condom" Ethan stated moving so that he was propped up on his elbow and looking at me.

"Don't worry, I'll get the morning after pill tomorrow" I answered not feeling like worrying about it. I've never had to worry about something like this before and I wasn't planning on worrying about it now. It felt good and that is all that mattered.

"In that case you wouldn't mind if we go again?" Ethan whispered as he moved on top of me. I giggled and pressed my lips against his making all my problems disappear.

A few hours later we joined my parents for dinner and then we headed upstairs to my room claiming we were going to do homework. My parents seemed to be ok with the fact that Ethan was staying with us for a while which was a relief, I couldn't have handled it if he was at his house right now.

We sat down on my bed and placed a few books in front of us incase my parents decided they wanted to check up on us.

"I think I should confront Ryan" I stated. I thought it over and that is the best idea I could come up with.

"No fucken way!" Ethan half yelled looking furious.

"Just listen to me, I think it might work" I stated grabbing a hold of both his hands and moving so that I was sitting on top of him looking him straight in the eyes.

"I don't like this but go ahead, what's the plan?" He asked and I could feel his body relax underneath me.

"Ok so what I was thinking is that I'll confront him and tell him some stupid story. I'll tell him that I want to be with him but first he has to tell me the truth about Bret. I think he is crazy enough to fall for it and of course I will have a tape recorder with me. Once he admits to killing Bret I will get out of there and we can go to the police, at least that way we will have some evidence" I said hoping that it will really be that easy. Ethan thought about my plan for a few seconds before saying anything.

"Ok, we can try it but there is no way I'm letting you go alone" Ethan stated looking worried.

"He won't talk to me if you are there" I said not wanting Ethan to go anywhere near Ryan.

"I know, I'll hide somewhere. I just want to be able to see that you are ok at all times" He said and I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't going to change his mind.

"I suppose that can work, when do you want to do it?" I asked feeling nervous, it is a good plan but I am terrified about facing Ryan.

"Whenever you want to" Ethan replied pulling me forward and kissing me lovingly.

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