(17) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 17

Ethan had to spend the night in the hospital so that they could make sure that he was ok before they released him. The doctor came in shortly after Ethan woke up and asked me to leave, I begged him to stay but he just said that I could come back to see Ethan tonight at six when it was visiting hours. This really pissed me off but Ethan assured me that it was ok and that he would be waiting for me.

I reluctantly left the room and walked outside to my car silently cursing all the way. I got into my car slamming the door and putting the music on full blast before starting it and speeding home. My parents would only be home later this afternoon so at least I wouldn't have to worry about explaining why I wasn't at school. I parked my car in the driveway and went inside still thinking about Ethan.

I grabbed a breakfast bar out of the kitchen cupboard, poured myself some juice and headed back upstairs. I wasn't hungry but I knew I had to eat something. I switched on my I pod and put in my earphones hoping to switch out the world. It didn't work. Images of Ethan's bloody arms and Bret's cleaned out room kept on flashing through my head until I couldn't take it anymore.

I ripped the earphones out of my ears and threw them to the floor as I pressed my head into my pillow and let out an ear piercing scream. Luckily the pillow dimmed the sound because if somebody had heard that scream I'm sure they would have called 911. I laid like that on my bed letting my tears flow freely for what must have been at least an hour.

I would have stayed like that until tonight if my phone didn't start ringing. I considered ignoring it but picked it up and looked at the caller ID just in case somebody was phoning me about Ethan. I had given them my number as a contact person. It wasn't the hospital, it was the person I least wanted to talk to at this moment. Ryan.

I didn't answer it, I just left it to ring until it went over to voicemail. A few seconds later I got a message telling me that I had one new voicemail. I dialed my mailbox and listened to what Ryan had to say. He told me that he was really worried about me and that he wanted to see me. He wanted to know where I was and if he could meet me somewhere. I really didn't want to talk to him never the less see him face to face but I knew I had to. I owed him that much.

I laid on my bed scraping together all my courage and pressed the green button on his name. He answered within a few seconds. He sounded relieved once I told him that I was ok which was a complete lie but he didn't need to know that. He asked me if we could meet somewhere and I agreed telling him that he could come over to my house. I still had about three hours before my parents will be home, that should be more than enough time to explain to him what was going on. I hope he understands but something is telling me that he won't.

A few minutes late the doorbell rang and I went downstairs to open up for Ryan. I didn't bother checking how I looked because I really don't care at the moment.

Ryan's smile changed into a frown as I opened the door and he took in my appearance. His eyes filled with worry and a hint of irritation.

"You've been crying" He stated walking pass me into the living room.

"Yea" I replied not sure what else to say. He stopped in the middle of the floor and took a few steps forward to close the distance between us. I considered running away but decided to stand my ground. The sooner I told him that it is over between us the better. He took my hands in his and looked my straight in the eyes.

"What happened Karley? Did he try to hurt you?" Ryan asked as anger filled his eyes.

"No! No it's not like that" I replied shocked that he would even think that.

"What is it then?" He asked. I felt my stomach squirm and a shiver of panic run through my body. This is not going to be easy.

"It's just that I thought about me and you and I decided that it's not going to work but I want us to stay friends" I said knowing that there is no way we would ever be friends again. His face turned into a tortured expression filled with hate and pain telling me that he hasn't taken this news well.

"You haven't even tried! How do you know it's not going to work?" Ryan yelled letting go of my hands.

"I just don't feel that way about you" I said trying to make him understand.

"Oh! Ok, I get it now! You don't feel that way about me because you feel that way about Ethan!" He yelled as he finally realized what was really going on. I wasn't going to tell him about me and Ethan just yet figuring I'll tell him later when he had some time to cool down but since he figured it out on his own I admitted it to him.

"Yes, I have feelings for Ethan" I said and watch as his whole body tensed up.

"Fuck!" He screamed as he kicked the wooden coffee table causing it to fall over and the vase standing on it to break into a million little pieces. I froze in place consumed with fright as he glared at me. He kicked the table once more and then pushed past me as he walked to the front door. Once he's passed me I fell to the floor as tears started stinging at my eyes ones more. This is not what I wanted, I never wanted to hurt him. I heard his footsteps grow father away and then I heard him mumble something that almost send me right over the edge.

"I should have gotten rid of him too, little piece of shit"

I don't think I was supposed to hear it but I did.

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