(25) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 25

It was around ten o'clock when I asked Ethan to go to his room. I didn't want him too but I also didn't want my parents to get suspicious and say that he can't stay. It took me a while to fall asleep and when I finally did I had an awful nightmare. I dreamed I was walking down at the lake with Ethan. We reached the place where we had found Bret's body and watched as Ryan walked out from behind a tree. He had a huge knife in his hands and an evil smile on his face. He attacked Ethan slicing his neck. At first it looked like he missed but then a streak of blood appeared on Ethan's neck and his head wobbled back revealing a huge gash. Blood started spilling from his mouth and his eyes rolled back in his head as he fell to the ground.

I wanted to run to him and help him but I was frozen as I stood there watching him die right in front of me. He moaned and twitched until his body gave up the fight and died. Ryan stood over him watching with that same evil smile on his face and then turned his attention to me. He started walking over to me and as much as I wanted to run away I couldn't, my body was still frozen.

"I did it for us, now we can be together" He said wrapping his arms around me and pressing his lips against mine.

I woke up with an ear piercing scream and I sat up straight in my bed. My heart was pounding heavy in my chest and I was busy trying to catch my breath when my mom, dad and Ethan came running into my room. My screaming must have woken them. They looked horrified and I watched as my dad and Ethan scanned my room to see if there was somebody trying to hurt me. My mom ran over to me and sat down on my bed looking worried.

"Are you ok sweetie? What happened?" She asked as Ethan joined her sitting down next to me and taking my hand in his. I was still shivering but had luckily cached my breath and was able to answer.

"I... I'm fine, just a bad dream" I said squeezing Ethan's hand to make sure he knew that I appreciated him being there.

"You gave us a hell of a fright" My dad said from behind my mom shaking his head but looking relieved.

"I'm sorry but I think I'm ok now, you can all go back to sleep" I said trying to get rid of them. I appreciated the fact that my parents cared and worried about me but I really didn't want to explain my dream to them.

My mom looked down at my and Ethan's hands before she got up from my bed and told my dad that they should go back to bed. I swear I saw a smile on her face as she walked away but I really couldn't be sure.

Once they were gone Ethan pulled me into his arms and held me tightly.

"What did you dream?" He asked and I could hear the concern in his voice.

"I dreamed we were at the lake where we found Bret's body. Ryan came out from behind a tree and killed you. I... I wanted to help but I couldn't move. He said he did it so that we could be together and then he kissed me" I whispered as I started sobbing and shivering again. The nightmare was all too clear in my mind and I could almost feel his disgusting lips pressed against mine.

"It's ok, it was only a dream" Ethan whispered pulling me even closer to him as if to protect me from my own dream.

After a while my shivering and crying stopped and I felt a bit better. I pulled away from Ethan and sat back against my pillows.

"We have to do it tomorrow, I can't take this anymore" I stated knowing he will understand what I am talking about.

"Ok but now you need to get some sleep" Ethan replied smiling at me gently. I could see the concern in his eyes but I knew that he wanted this over as soon as possible as well.

He started getting up from my bed but I grabbed a hold of his arm before he could and pulled him towards me.

"I need a goodnight kiss" I whispered softly needing to feel the touch of his lips on mine. He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was soft and loving and almost managed to make me forget about what we were going to do tomorrow.

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