(15) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 15

I wasn't quite sure what to do as I was still in shock so I just did the first thing that came to mind. I pulled off my shirt and pressed it to his arm that was cut in about five different places. The tears that were stinging my eyes earlier finally escaped and I felt my body shake violently as I sobbed.

"I'm sorry" Ethan whispered softly. I tore my eyes away from his arm and looked up into his eyes. He looked completely out of it.

"For what?" I asked through the sobs.

"Everything, I'm sorry about everything" He replied.

"It's ok, you don't have to apologize, but why? Why did you do this?" I asked referring to his cut arm.

"Everything is gone" He said pulling his eyes away from mine and looking around the room making me realize what had happened. He had come to Bret's room just like me and it was too much for him when he saw that everything had been removed. It was like losing Bret all over again.

I tore my eyes away from the room that surrounded us and focused my attention back on Ethan, that's when I saw something lying next to him on the ground. I picked up the little box and read the label. It was a box of very strong pain killers. I pulled it open and let it fall to the ground as I realized it was completely empty.

"Did you drink these?" I asked as I felt my world crumbling around me. If I lost Ethan I swear I was going to find a very high building and jump off of it. I couldn't handle losing another person I loved. Ethan didn't reply but he shook his head in confirmation.

"How many did you take!?" I yelled freaking out.

"I... I don't k... know" He answered looking at me with glassy eyes.

"Fuck Ethan! How many of these fucken pills did you drink!?" I yelled as I grabbed a hold of him and started shaking him.

"I don't know, a lot" He said as his eyes fluttered open and closed.

"What the hell is going on here!?" I heard a familiar voice ask and turned around to see Ryan standing in the door.

"Help me, please hurry up!" I shouted not bothering to answer his questions. He looked irritated but made his way over to us. I could see him stop in his tracks and go into shock as he saw the blood on the carpet. Luckily he managed to get over it quickly.

"What happened?" He asked as he bent down next to me.

"We don't have time, I'll explain later. Just help me get him to a hospital!" I said getting to my feet and pulling Ethan up into a standing position. Ryan still looked irritated and angry but he helped me without saying another word.

We put Ethan in the back seat of my car and I rushed him to the hospital with Ryan following close behind. When we got to the hospital I ran inside and shouted that we needed help. The nurses looked surprised at my appearance considering I was running around in my bra but followed me outside. When they say Ethan lying in my back seat they started yelling and soon and orderly with a wheel chair came running out of the hospital.

They rushed him inside as Ryan and I followed them. One of the nurses called a doctor who ran over to us. He took one look at Ethan and then focused his attention on me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He cut his arm and he took a bunch of these" I replied handing the doctor the empty box of tablets. Luckily I remembered to bring it with.

"We have to pump his stomach" The doctor ordered the nurses and then disappeared into a room taking Ethan with him. I wanted to follow but the nurses stopped me.

"Would you mind getting me a shirt?" I asked Ryan before falling down against the wall and breaking down in tears.

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