(23) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 23

We walked over to Bret's grave in silence. I haven't been here for a while, I always went to go talk to him in his room but now that his stuff was gone it didn't feel like he was there anymore. We reached the gravestone and we sat down next to it holding hands.

"You go first" Ethan whispered to me and I shook my head in agreement. It should have felt awkward coming to talk to Bret with Ethan by my side but it didn't.

"Hi Bret, I've missed you, you know that right?" I questioned wishing with all my heart that he could answer me.

"I've been spending a lot of time with Ethan, I hope you don't mind. I really like him and I think we are good for each other" I said and I felt Ethan squeezing my hand.

"I really like her too bro, she's helping me to stop the cutting as well, I'm sure you'll be happy about that" Ethan said joining the conversation.

"We have something else that we need to tell you, it's really bad and we don't know what to do about it. I started hanging out with Ryan a few days ago as well but it turned out that he wanted to be more than just friends. I told him that I didn't feel like that about him and he completely freaked out. You don't have to worry, he didn't hurt me but he did say something horrible that makes me and Ethan think that he is responsible for your death" I said as some tears escaped my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to say anything else without having a complete breakdown so I looked at Ethan hoping he would continue. He understood what I wanted and smiled at me sadly before he started talking.

"He said that he should have taken care of me as well which leads us to think that he killed you because he wanted Karley. We're not sure if he is going to try to kill me so I am staying with Karley at the moment. We really don't know what to do" Ethan said pulling me into a hug as some tears rolled down his face.

We sat like that at Bret's grave for a while just holding each other. I wish Bret could tell me what we should do but I knew he couldn't, we are going to have to make that choice on our own. Not one of us wanted to go home so we decided to stay there, it felt calm and we were both happy feeling closer to Bret. There was a big tree behind his grave so we laid down in the shade holding hands and looking at the sky.

"Do you mind if I ask you a personal question here in front of him?" Ethan asked smiling at me.

"No, he already knows everything" I replied wondering what Ethan wanted to know.

"Yea, I guess he does. I was just wondering if you two, you know, ever had sex?' Ethan asked looking away from me. I'm not sure but I think he felt embarrassed asking me that question.

"No we didn't, we were going to on the night he got killed" I replied remembering how exited I was.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know" Ethan apologized focusing his attention back on me.

"It's ok" I said taking a deep breath, I didn't want to freak out right now, I just wanted to enjoy the moment with Ethan and Bret.

"So was I your first?" Ethan asked grinning at me.

"Yea you were was I your first" I asked curiously. I knew Ethan didn't have a girlfriend when Bret died but I wasn't sure what had happened over the last year.

"Yes and I'm glad about it" He replied pulling me closer to him. I laid with my head on his chest as he held me in his arms.

We didn't say anything more, I guess we were both thinking about what we were going to do about Ryan. I'm sure we would have just stayed at the graveyard the entire day but a storm was brewing in the sky and before we could make it back to my car we were drenched in rain.

We ran the rest of the way to the car and laughed most of the way home. It was still a few hours before my parents would be home and I was glad that we would have some time to ourselves. We quickly grabbed Ethan's bag out of the trunk and ran inside soaking ourselves again.

We went upstairs so that we could take a shower and get dressed in some dry clothes.

"I'll go next door, that way it will be quicker" Ethan said as he started walking to his room.

"No way, I don't want it to go quick" I said grabbing his arm. He understood what I meant and quickly pushed me into my room. He let his bag fall to the floor and followed me into bathroom.

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