(3) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 3

"Hi Ethan" I said feeling uncomfortable, I used to be very close to Ethan but it was like he was a completely different person now.

"Karley" He replied looking confused.

"Can I talk to you for a few seconds?" I asked wondering if inviting him was really such a good idea.

"Sure" He answered moving to the side so that I could enter his room. I was hesitant but walked passed him and looked around. His bedding and curtains were black and his walls were covered with posters and sketches of dragons, demons and heavy metal bands.

I walked over to his desk which was scattered with papers and all sorts of things when something shiny between the papers caught my attention. It was a razor blade covered with blood. I looked away as fast as I could hoping he didn't realize that I saw it but by the look on his face I knew he did. I felt my heart pounding faster and for a second I wished that I had decided to go to the mental institute instead of having this stupid party.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you" He said grabbing the razor and throwing it into a drawer. I didn't know what to think or to say so I just stood there looking at him like a complete idiot.

"Well, what do you want?" He asked looking irritated.

"Uhm... never mind, I'll just go" I said as I started walking towards the door but he blocked my way.

"No, you obviously wanted to ask me something so ask" He said crossing his arms and looking me in the eyes.

"Ok but I don't think you'll be interested. I'm having a party for my birthday next Saturday and I wanted to invite you".

"A party, not really my scene"

"I know. Don't worry about it" I said wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible. He was freaking me out.

I walked around him and was almost out of his door when I felt a hand grabbing my arm. I span around and was ready to slap or kick him but the expression on his face made me change my mind. I saw a glimpse of the old Ethan and caught my breath as I saw the sadness and pain that was eating away at him in his eyes.

"I'd like to come to your party if the invitation still stands" He said smiling at me.

"Yea, of course it does. It's at my house around seven".

"Ok, I'll be there" He said as he turned his back on me and closed his door.

I was confused by how much he had changed and by how much he was still the same. He looked completely different but deep down I could tell he was still the same Ethan I used to know.

I was on my way to Bret's room when I heard a loud crashing noise followed by yelling. I ran the rest of the way and came to a stop at the entrance of his room. The door was standing open and his dad was standing at his dresser, a bunch of broken stuff laid on the ground at his feet and his mom was sitting on the bed screaming and sobbing.

I wasn't sure what was going on but I could see that they were in the middle of a huge fight and I didn't want to get involved. They both looked in my direction but before they could say anything I took off running down the stairs and out of their house.

The sight of Bret's things lying broken on the floor caused my heart to ache and by the time I got into my car tears were streaming down my face. I didn't bother trying to calm down knowing that it wasn't going to happen so instead I sped home and hoped that my parents wouldn't be there when I arrived.

Unfortunately they were there but luckily I managed to sneak in without them noticing me. I hurried up to my room and locked the door behind me. I had enough for one night and all I wanted was to be left alone. I took a long hot shower and changed into a pajama short and tank top. I wasn't really tired but felt exhausted so I fell down on my bed and listened to my I pod as I cried myself to sleep.

The next few day leading up to my party dragged by slowly and was torturous. My mom insisted that I had to decorate the place and get a DJ. I invited some kids from school that I used to be friends with. They didn't look really excited about it but most of them accepted, probably because they felt sorry for me. I didn't really care about the party but I was worried that all these kids were going to show up and then my mo was going to do something lame like tell them that their not allowed to drink or something.

I decided to confront her about it and to my surprise she told me that I was a teenager and that she wanted me to act like one and have fun. She booked a hotel for her and my dad on the night of the party so after she helped me with the decorations she and my dad was leaving and only coming back the next day.

This news confused me because in a way I was happy that I wasn't going to have the lamest party ever but on the other hand I was relying on the fact that my mom would keep the kids in control and I would only have to pretend to be enjoying myself. Now I was going to have to host this party on my own and I didn't have the slightest idea how to do it.

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