(20) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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This chapter contains a very steamy sex scene so consider yourself warned!

My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 20

The kiss was filled with a combination of lust, need and pain. I crushed my lips against his not wanting the kiss to ever end when I heard somebody knocking at the door.

"Fuck" I complained pulling away from Ethan. He looked at me with pleading eyes, I wanted nothing more than to kiss him again and forget about the person at my door but I knew I had to get rid of them first.

"Come on and try to act normal" I said pulling Ethan out of the bathroom. He walked over to my desk and opened one of my books. He was a good actor, he actually looked interested. I ran over to my door and quickly opened it to find my mom looking worriedly at me.

"Is everything ok sweetie? I heard some shouting" my mom asked scanning my room.

"Yea, everything's fine, must have been the neighbors or something" I replied saying the first thing that came to mind.

"I guess your right" She said taking another look around my room. There was nothing out of place and Ethan looked hard at work. I have no idea what he was reading but he looked really interested.

"I'll leave you two to study then" My mom said smiling at me obviously believing my lie that nothing was wrong.

I closed the door behind me and let out a sigh of relief. That was close. I leaned my head forward against the wall trying to calm myself before facing Ethan, I was so confused. I was about to turn around when I felt his hands take a hold of my waste. My heart skipped a beat and a rush of pleasure shoot threw my body. I looked down to his hands and watched as he left a trail of blood on my body as he pulled up my shirt.

I didn't stop him. I wanted him so bad, I needed him. We are like a drug to each other, the only thing that could fix me was him and I had a feeling it was the same for him. He moved his hands up the side of my body and pulled my shirt off over my head. I thought he would turn me around but instead he pushed me against the door. It made a bit of a noise and I prayed that nobody heard. I couldn't stop now, no matter what.

He pulled my hair to the side and started placing kisses down my neck as he pressed his body against my back. I could feel his hard on pressing against me making me want him even more. He bit down hard on my neck and I had to stop myself from shouting with pleasure. I could feel him smiling against my body as he started licking down my back. He was driving me crazy

When he got to the small of my back he grabbed a hold of my waste and turned me around so that I was facing him. He was standing on his knees in front of me while I was leaning against the door panting. He looked up and smiled at me before he started undoing the button of my jeans. He pulled down the zip as I grabbed a hold of his hair and ran my hands through it. I moaned with pleasure as he pulled down my pants and ripped of my shoes. He threw my jeans to the side and traced his hands up my legs making me squirm with anticipation.

He moved his hand up the inside of my thigh tickling me gently until he reached my panties. He pulled them aside and gently rubbed me before leaning forward and licking me. The ecstasy this caused my body almost sent me over the edge. I pulled on his hair only making him lick harder.

"God Ethan, your killing me" I whispered out of breath. I heard him chuckle as he pulled away and slipped two fingers inside of me. This sent me completely over the edge as he thrusted his fingers in and out of me. My body arched with pleasure and it took all my strength not to yell with pleasure.

As soon as my climax was over Ethan got up from his knees and scooped me up into his arms taking me by surprise. He walked over to my bed and threw me down on it gently. He pulled of his shirt revealing all his scars and threw it to the floor. He was about to get onto the bed but I sat up before he could. I loosened his jean and pulled them off as he kicked off his shoes.

He pushed me forward wanting me to lie down but I stopped him once again, there was something I wanted to do first. I slipped off his boxers and took his hard shaft into my hand making him moan with pleasure. I wasn't sure how to do this so I just leaned forward and took him into my mouth. I felt his hands in my hair as he shivered with pleasure. I could feel him getting even harder as licked him and was sure he was about to come when he stopped me and pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I asked hoping I didn't hurt him in some way, it did seem like he was enjoying it after all.

"Nothing, I want to come inside of you" He said bending down in front of me. He unclipped my bra and then pushed me back so that I was lying. He slipped off my panties and then I heard him fiddling in my bedside drawer. I sat up to see what he was doing and watched as he took out a condom, opened it quickly and slipped it on.

He got onto the bed with me and I moved backwards so that he could get on top of me. He pressed his lips against mine and we kissed as his hands moved in between my legs again. He played with me until I was so hot I thought I would burst. He must have noticed that I needed more because he stopped playing with me and kissing me at the same time almost killing me. He smiled at me wickedly and then started placing kisses down my neck until he got t my breast. He licked and sucked on my nipples for a while before moving in between my legs and pushing himself into me.

The sensation of him inside of me was incredible. I grabbed a hold of his body and trust myself against him as hard as I could. He got the picture very quickly and started moving faster making me squirm with pleasure. We reached our climax at the same time and I could see the ecstasy on his face as he came.

When we were both done he fell down beside me breathing deeply.

"Wow" I whispered as I laid there thrilled with pleasure.

"Tell me about it" Ethan replied causing both of us to burst out with laughter.

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