(28) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers. 

Chapter 28 

"What about him!?" Ryan half yelled as he tried to stay calm. The fear that I had felt earlier consumed me now and it took every ounce of courage I had in my body not to get up from where I was sitting and make a run for it. 

"I need you to tell me what happened the night he died, I know you had something to do with it" I said watching him carefully. I could see that I was really making him angry but I needed him to confess to what he did otherwise Ethan would never be safe and he would never pay for what he did. I waited for him to say something but he didn't, he just stared at me so I continued. 

"I'm not angry at you Ryan, I know whatever you did, you did because you love me. I just think that we should get it all out there so that there are no secrets between us. I want us to have a fresh start" I said hoping that he would fall for my obvious lie. 

"Ok Karley, I'll tell you what you want to know" Ryan said getting up from the couch and walking over to the entrance of his kitchen. I had no idea what was going on so I just sat there waiting for him to come back. I had a really bad feeling but there was nothing I could do now, I had to go through with the plan. 

He came back into the living room a few seconds later looking much more calm then earlier making me think that maybe he did believe my lies after all. 

"Where do you want me to start?" Ryan asked crouching in front of me. He had an evil smile on his face as he placed one of his hands on each of my knees. Feeling his hands on me made me want to vomit but I managed to control myself. 

"At the beginning" I replied answering his question. 

"No, that will take too long and I don't want to bore you with the details. How about I just tell you the interesting part so that we can get this over with?" He asked. 

"Ok" I agreed wanting to get this over with as well. My body had started shaking involuntarily and all I could do was hope that he didn't notice it. 

"I tricked him, it was all too easy" He said as the smile on his face grew bigger. "He thought I had car trouble but I didn't. I gagged him, threw him in his car and drove to the lake. Once we were there I dragged him to where his body was found and stabbed him until he died" Ryan said still smiling. I knew I had to say something to him but I couldn't get myself to speak. Hearing him confess to how he killed Bret stirred up all the emotions I felt the night I found out he was dead. 

Ryan just looked at me with those crazy eyes of his waiting for me to say something but I couldn't think straight. 

"I have to go" I finally said regaining my voice but not my composure. His hands were still on my knees as I tried to get up. 

"Not so fast" He said pushing hard against my knees causing pain to shoot through my body... 

"Please Ryan, I'll come back I promise. I just have to work through this" I begged hoping that somehow his sick love for me would make him give me what I wanted but I wasn't that lucky. 

"No, you said you wanted me and now you are going to have me" He replied moving his hands from my aching knees and grabbing a big knife from the back of his pants. 

"Please don't do this Ryan, I told you I love you and I meant it, please just don't do this" I pleaded as tears started stinging at my eyes. I could tell that he was passed listening to what I had to say but I had to try anyway. I wasn't worried about him hurting me but I knew that Ethan had heard everything he said and that he was probably making his way to the apartment right now. I had to get away from Ryan and out of the apartment before he got here. 

I jumped up from where I was sitting taking Ryan by surprise but I wasn't fast enough. He grabbed a hold of my arm and threw me down on the couch without any effort. I tried getting up again but before I could he jumped on top of me and pressed the knife to my neck. I could feel it grazing my skin as it started to burn. 

"I never wanted to hurt you Karley but you're not giving me much of a choice" he said pushing me sideways so that I was lying on the couch. I struggled trying to get out of his grip but it was pointless, he was much too strong. 

"Please don't do this Ryan...please..." I begged as he pushed my legs apart and started undoing the buttons of my jeans with his free hand. 

"Shut up and lay still then I won't have to hurt you" Ryan replied as he moved the knife slowly down my neck. He cut my top with the knife and ripped it off of me. I struggled again trying to push him off of me but only managed to make him angrier. He pressed the knife to my neck again causing a sharp pain to shoot through my body. 

"You don't have to do this" I started pleading again when the front door burst open revealing Ethan. He ran over to us and grabbed a hold of Ryan pulling him off of me and throwing him to the floor. 

Everything after that happened so fast. I was shivering with fear at this point but I knew I had to do something. Ryan had gotten to his feat and charged at Ethan bringing both of them to the floor with and ear crackling thud. Ryan was on top of Ethan strangling him. I didn't think about what I did next I just acted. I charged at Ryan running right into him and causing him to slide off of Ethan. I could tell I didn't do much damage and was about to jump on top of him when he reached out his hand and grabbed me by my throat. 

I could see Ethan lying on the ground next to us trying to regain his breath as Ryan got to his feet pulling me up with him. He smiled at me for the briefest of seconds and then he pushed me so hard that I went flying through the room. I stumbled over my own feet and came crashing down with my head against his glass coffee table. 

A sharp pain shot through my head and I automatically reached for my head with my hand as a moan escaped my throat. I pushed myself up into a sitting position as the world around me blurred in and out of focus. I could feel the warm sticky blood running from my head down my face but it didn't matter, the only thing that mattered was to stop Ryan before he could hurt Ethan. 

I tried getting to my feet but slipped on my own blood. I fell down again landing with my hand on a piece of glass that sent some more pain through my body. My sight was getting worse by the moment as black spots started dancing in front of my eyes. 

I looked over to where Ethan and Ryan were struggling on the floor. Ethan was on top and throwing wild punches at Ryan's face giving me the slightest hint of hope. Maybe I had time to get to my feet and find a weapon of some sort. I tried getting to my feet again but my body wasn't cooperating. I felt numb. I watched as Ethan threw punches at Ryan feeling helpless that I couldn't help. 

Ryan tossed Ethan off of him and crawled over to the knife where it lay near the couch. I didn't see it there before and as he reached it I felt the tiny but of hope that I felt before being ripped away from me. Ethan had gotten to his feet on the other side of the room and was charging over to where Ryan was crouched with the knife in his hands. 

"No, Ethan, no!" I yelled as he ran but it was too late. He reached Ryan within a second and jumped on top of him. Ryan was prepared for this and threw him off causing him to land on his stomach. Ryan moved onto his knees and as Ethan started getting up he lifted the knife and brought it down into Ethan's back. My arm that was holding me up gave in from under me at that moment and I lay there feeling thankful for the darkness as it consumed me.

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