(4) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 4

Saturday morning arrived quickly and I was basically freaking out by the time I got to the mall. I had a lot of things to do before the party tonight and my mom borrowed me her credit card to get everything I needed.

I ordered the decorations from a small party shop in the mall during the week and luckily everything was ready when I got there. I swear if I had to wait I would lose all my courage and run away. I put the decorations in my car and headed back into the mall to get me something to wear for my party.

I haven't really gone clothes shopping for the last year and my mom insisted that I get myself something pretty to wear. I really wasn't looking forward to tonight. I went from one shop to the next and was about to give up when I saw a little dress that caught my attention.

It wasn't like anything I have ever worn before but I decided to fit it on anyway. People always told me I was pretty but they never called me sexy or hot and this dress was definitely hot. It was pitch black and fit my body like a glove. It was made of silk and lace and it looked like a corset at the top. The silk part of the skirt was really short with lace hanging over it making it look like a gothic tutu.

I wasn't sure about it and knew I was going to feel uncomfortable wearing it but bought it anyway. I just felt like somehow the dress was made for me. After I bought it and convinced myself that I was actually going to wear it I collected the food that I ordered from the bakery and went home.

My mom made me show her my outfit when I got home. I think she was expecting a denim and a T shirt because when I pulled out the little black dress she almost went into shock. After she recovered she helped me decorate the place and I have to admit that it actually looked nice. It was decorated with flowers, candles and of course the big HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign that my mother insisted on. We set up the food on a table in the dining room and I fetched all my cd's from my room hoping that they will still be cool enough.

My mom and dad left at around five and since everything was already done I decided to go to the bottle store and get some alcohol since I still had my mom's credit card. I've only drank once in my life before and that was about two years ago. Bret and I decided that we wanted to know how it felt to get drunk so we stole some of his parent's alcohol and locked ourselves in his room.

I walked into the bottle store still thinking about that night and almost knocked over a stack of beer when I heard somebody talking behind me. It was the store clerk that wanted to know if I needed any help so I told them no and started loading up a trolley with any and everything that looked interesting. I made sure I got some beer, tequila and vodka to throw in the punch. I wasn't planning on drinking at all and I definitely wasn't planning on getting drunk but I figured if the other kids were drunk I could get away with sitting in a corner and be left alone.

The woman behind the till gave me strange look but luckily didn't ask me to see my ID, she figured didn't want to lose the sale because I was buying more drink then she probably sold in a whole week.

When I got home I filled some buckets with ice, sodas and beers. I placed some of the stronger alcohol on the table and the rest in one of the kitchen cupboards.

By the time I was finished it was around six and I decided that it was time for me to get dressed so I headed upstairs to my room and took a long hot shower trying to relax. When the hot water started running out I got out of the shower and dried my hair so that it was hanging smoothly over my shoulders. I got dressed in the little black dress and added some black boots that I had stacked away in my cupboard.

I haven't bothered wearing any make up for the last year but decided to put some on tonight. What was the point in wearing a dress like this and not putting on makeup? I put the makeup on darker than I ever did before so that it would fit with the outfit and took a look in the mirror. I didn't recognize the girl staring back at me, it was like I was in a stranger's body.

I cursed myself for even considering to actually wear the dress and was about to change when I heard the doorbell ring. I checked my watch and saw that it was quarter past seven. I hurried downstairs wondering who it could be, I specifically told everybody that the party starts at eight. I was hoping that it was just somebody with the wrong address and that I would have time to go back upstairs and change.

I unlocked the door and opened it to find Ryan standing before me with a huge smile on his face. I felt my heart speed up and my body break out in sweat as I looked at him. He looked so much like Bret that it actually hurt looking at him.

"Are you ok?" Ryan asked as his smile changed into a worried expression. It took me a few seconds to regain my composure and answer him.

"Y..Yes, I.. I'm fine. Why don't you come in?" I stuttered feeling like a complete idiot. He walked passed me as I stepped to the side so that he could enter and locked the door.

"I thought I'd come by a bit early and see if you needed any help" He said taking in the living room.

"Oh, thanks but I think I've got it covered" I replied trying not to look at him.

"I brought you a gift" He said walking over to me.

"You shouldn't have" I replied feeling guilty. I didn't expect him to give me anything since we haven't even really spoken for the last year.

"Of course I had to, it's your birthday and I wanted too. Now take it" He said handing me an envelope. I took the envelope from him wondering what kind of present could fit in it.

"I'll open it later" I said feeling embarrassed and hoping he couldn't see that I was blushing.

"No, open it now before the other guests arrive".

I hesitated for a moment wondering why he wanted me to open it so badly.

"Please" He begged looking at me with the same puppy dog eyes that Bret always looked at me with when he wanted something.

"Ok" I replied opening the envelope and taking out a birthday card. I was still puzzled about what the gift actually was when I opened the card and saw two Muse concert tickets.

"I hope you still like them" Ryan said looking worried that he made a mistake.

"Yes, of course I do. I love them!" I yelled out of excitement and through my arms around him without thinking about what I was doing.

My dead boyfriend's brothersWhere stories live. Discover now