(21) My dead boyfriend's brothers

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My dead boyfriend's brothers.

Chapter 21

We laid like that for a few minutes laughing until the seriousness of the situation crept back to us.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Ethan hoping that I don't upset him again.

"I was just going to kill him but since you won't allow me to do that I have no idea" Ethan replied trying to keep the mood light but I could tell that he was really upset.

"I suppose we can go to the cops" I said not sure if it was a good idea.

"They won't believe us, we have nothing to go on except for what you heard him say, he'll just deny it" Ethan replied sitting up and looking at me seriously.

"I know but we can't just kill him, were not like him Ethan. There has got to be a better way" I said trying to convince myself. I couldn't kill Ryan, but could I let Ethan kill him after what he did to Bret, I wasn't sure.

"I just don't know Karley, it just doesn't seem real. I mean it's not like we are close and to be honest I kind of grew to hate him since Bret's death but it still hearts knowing that he is the one responsible for Bret's death" Ethan stated shaking his head.

"I know what you mean, but I also know what I heard. Ryan killed Bret because of me" I said sitting up and looking over at our clothes scattered all over the floor.

"We should probably get dressed before your parents decide to check on us" Ethan said as he got up from my bed and started gathering our clothes. He gave mine to me and then started putting his on. I watched him carefully to make sure if he was really ok and couldn't help but notice how gorgeous he really is. It didn't matter to me if he had issues and that his body was covered in scars, to me he is perfect.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?" He asked looking at me carefully. He was probably worried that I was going to freak out at any moment. I guess that is how it is between the two of us. We just never knew if the other was going to flip or not. I mean I've literally acted like a zombie for the last year and now I'm having wild sex and considering killing somebody. I don't think that is very normal behavior.

"Yeah I guess I should" I said getting up from the bed and throwing my clothes on. I went to the bathroom and washed the blood stained basin as well as the floor. I checked my shirt and noticed some blood on it so I took it off and threw it in the dustbin, it was too big for me anyway. I went back into my room and saw Ethan laying on my bed looking deep in thought. I wanted to ask him what he was thinking but I already knew and it scared the shit out of me. I pulled out a t shirt that looked almost the same as the one I had on and put it on hoping my parents wouldn't notice the difference.

"I don't think you should go home until we have decided what to do about Ryan" I said walking over to him and sitting down next to him. He sat up and shook his head in agreement as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was different from the ones we shared earlier. It was still filled with that same need we felt for each other but it was also filled with love and affection and it scared the crap out of me. This is the way it felt when I used to kiss Bret, I didn't think I would ever feel that way again.

I was about to stop the kiss when I realized that I didn't want to, falling in love with Ethan is scary but I need him and he needs me. I kissed him back passionately forgetting about all my problems for a few seconds. I wish we could just run away from everybody and everything and forget about it all and just be happy. I considered suggesting to Ethan that we should just pack our bags and run away but I knew he would never fall for it until Ryan has paid for what he has done.

I pulled out of the kiss breathing heavily and feeling lightheaded; I took a few breaths to regain my composure and got up from the bed.

"I better tell my mom that you are staying the night" I said walking over to the door.

"Yeah, ok" Ethan agreed and followed me downstairs to the living room. My parents were having a serious conversation by the look on their faces but stopped talking as soon as they realized we were there. I wondered what they could be discussing but didn't bother asking, I have much more serious things to be worrying about.

"Uhm, mom, would it be ok if Ethan stayed over for a few days?" I asked not sure what their reaction would be. I was going to ask if he could stay for the night but figured I might as well ask for a few days since we haven't decided what to do about Ryan yet.

My mom and dad gave each other a strange look that I couldn't quite figure out and then focused their attention on us.

"My parents are going through a rough patch right now and I thought I would give them some alone time to sort it out. Karley offered that I could stay here but we wanted to make sure that it would be ok with you first" Ethan said sounding calm and collected. I'm not sure how he came up with this little story so quickly but it sounded very convincing.

"Of course you can stay here for a few days, we've got lots of space and I'm sure Karley could use the company" My mom said smiling at us happily. I think she was thinking that I was becoming a normal teenager but if she only knew the thoughts brewing in my head she would actually send me to a mental institute for real.

"Thank you very much" Ethan replied and looked at me smiling happily. I knew it was all an act but I was grateful that he was able to act so normal considering the circumstances.

"Yea, thanks mom, thanks dad. I'll show Ethan to his room, we'll go fetch his stuff tomorrow" I said gesturing for Ethan to follow me.

We walked up the stairs and I led him to the bedroom right next to mine.

"You can stay here but you better sneak into my room as soon as my parents are asleep" I said smiling at him wickedly. I could see by the look on his face that he knew exactly what I meant.

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