"I want Tom to tuck me in"

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*Catalina POV*
I quickly pack our bags, knowing that if Rafael finds out, there will be hell to pay, but I am just doing it for the kids right ? For them to get out and experience things they wouldn't elsewise.
As I get back out I stop and watch him play with the kids and I can't help but smile, they already adore him, and he really is very sweet and kind, and well he is handsome too, I can't help but notice that fact.
"Ready to get going ?" I ask and he looks up, his eyes shining, he seems to enjoy it just as much as the kids, Rafael never plays with them like this.
He sends me a flashing smile, making my stomach erupt in butterflies for some reason. "Yup, we are are all very ready to get going".
The kids erupt in chears and I pick up Adrian, while Angel and Gabriel both grab Tom's hands, pulling him with them to the car, were I get the kids strapped in and the bag in the back.
"I better drive my own car back to my place, just in case". Tom says, and I nod, knowing that he means if Rafael should come back home.
So I follow him to his place in my own car, he has a nice looking light apartment building, he parks and come over. "I just go grab some clothes, I'll be back in 5 minutes, do you want me to drive ?"
"Thats fine, and well if you want to, I am not so fond of driving on the freeway". He smiles and opens my door, and I get out, suddenly feeling like I am way to close to him, looking up at him, damn he is tall, his lips parts slightly, like he wants to say something, but then he hurriedly looks away, and I hurry to the passanger side.
About 5 minutes later he is back with a bag in his hand, putting it in the back, before getting behind the wheel of my big SUV.

*Tom POV*
On the way down to San Diego, we all talk about what we are going to see and try the next couple of days, the kids are very excited about it all and very happy, and it makes me happy to partly being responsible for them being this happy.
It feels so natural to talk to Catalina, we laugh and talk serious, finding out we agree on a lot of things and the few we disagree on is unimportant stuff.
I can't help but getting the feeling that this is how life should be, with a wife and family, this is what I have always dreamed of, and I have to remind myself that this isn't my family.
We arrive at the hotel, I have called in advance, making reservation for a 3 bedroom bungalow, then I can help Catalina with the kids and it is more private.
"I think we should just unpack and then we can go out, finding a place to eat, and make more plans for the next couple of days". I say and Catalina nods.
She turns on the tv in the living-room area, and the kids plop down in front of it, then she looks at me. "Which room is which ?"
"I made them put two kid beds into this one for the boys and Angel can sleep in the big bed". I say opening a door. "And I thought you should take the main bedroom, just across the hall".
"No, you are paying, you should have the grand bedroom, I can take the small room". She says, pointing to the last door.
I shake my head and says softly. "I am going to insist here darling, you need it more than me, the grand bedroom is yours, so go unpack".
"Thank you". She says, laying her hand softly on my cheek for a short moment, and I can't help lean slightly into the touch.
Then she takes her bag and goes to unpack and I do the same, realising that a part of me would have liked to share the room with her, but I am not sure if it is about wanting a family or if it is about her.
When we are done, we walk down to a nice family restaurent, I push the stroller with the boys and Catalina holds Angels hand, and it just feels so perfect and so right walking there, talking, relaxing, I want this so badly.
In the restaurant both Angel and Gabriel wants to sit next to me, so I have them on each side, and Catalina sits on the other side with Adrian in a high chair.
Dinners goes very well and when we walk back towards the hotel Catalina places her hand on my arm. "You are so amazing with the kids, I have rarely seen them so well-behaved".
"Thank you, but they really are great kids and you have raised them very well". I tell her and I mean it, she is so loving with the kids, but it is clear that they also respect her.

*Catalina POV*
"I want Tom to tuck me in". Angel says being stubborn, we are back at the hotel and I have already tucked in the boys and they are both sleeping.
"Angel you can't just demand that sweetie, come on let mommy tuck you in". I say softly, my daughter shaking her head, Tom showing up. "It is okay with me, I can tuck her in if it is okay with you ?"
"If you really want to, it is fine with me". I say, and he smiles and nods, taking Angels hand, she happily follow him to her bed.
A minute later I sneak a peak into the bedroom, Angel is tucked in and Tom is singing softly to her, making my heart swell, Rafael has never done anything like this, this is how a father should be, this is how a man should be.

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