"Stay strong princess"

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*Catalina POV*
I scream in pain as Rafael drags me up the stairs by the hair, I know I have been careless, this is my own fault and now I am going to pay the price, do I regret it ? Would I wish to change what has happened ? No my time with Tom have been the happiest in my life.
On the way down the hall I feel my phone slip from my pocket, no chance of getting help then, not that I thougth there would be anyway.
"Oh I am going to take great pleasure in this bitch, hearing you scream in pain, unfortunately you won't be worth much when I am done with you". He says as he throws me on the floor of our bedroom.
By now I am pretty sure he is going to kill me, I just hope the pain won't be to much, I don't care for me, but I am scared for my kids and for Tom.
He grabs my shirt, ripping it to pieces, then kicking me in the stomach. "Cramps ? No you just prefered fucking your lover".
"Please I'll fuck you if you want me to, anything you want". I beg, feeling disgusted by myself, but I just want to stay alive to help my kids, to save Tom.
He laughs, but it is a cold humourless laugh, sending chills through me and he pulls me to my feet, pulling out a pocket knife, cutting of the rest of my clothes, not caring that he scratches me several times. "Like I would want to fuck a used hole like yours, oh no we are going to try something new, something you have denied me, but I don't want your accept, I want you to scream in pain while I rape your ass".
I feel the tears streaming down my face, he is going to cause me as much pain as possible before killing me, and I can't stop myself from begging. "Please don't, anything but that".
"Just be happy I am using my dick and not my fist, but feel free to scream, only the kids will hear you". He says acidicly, before wringing my arm on my back, pressing me down on the desk, spreading my legs with his foot.
I tell myself not to scream, not to scare the kids, but when he presses himself forcibly into me, without any preparation or lubrication, I can't help but scream in agony, feeling like he is splitting me apart.
It takes all I got not to faint from the pain as he rapes me hard, I can feel the blood run down my legs, scared beyond belief, knowing I will die today.
When he is done he lets go of me, knowing I am in to much pain to move, he goes to grab his whip, starting to hit me as hard as he can, until I actually pass out from the pain, my last thoughts that I hope this is the end.

*Angel POV*
I have heard my mom scream from the bedroom, but now there is silence and the man guarding my room has left to speak with Rafael, I refuse even to think of him as my father.
As I sneak out, not really knowing what I am trying to do, I hope no one will see me, in the hallway I spot moms phone and grab it, hiding in my room with it.
Luckily I remember moms code, it is my birthday and I unlock the phone, going to her phone book, she has pictures beside the numbers and I find the number I was looking for, pressing it, hoping this will help mom.

*Tom POV*
I have just arrived home when I see my phone buzz, it is Catalina, I get a really bad feeling about her calling now and I pick it up. "Yes, something wrong ?"
"Daddy". I hear Angels voice, she is clearly scared and crying. "You need to help mommy, Rafael is hurting her, she was screaming so much, he says he is going to take us far away, because mommy is a dead whore".
I feel like screaming, like rolling up and crying, this is all my fault, I should have either let her be or stopped Rafael long ago, now she is going to die because of me, but I try to keep my voice steady for Angel. "I am coming right now baby".
"I am so scared daddy, I don't want to go far away, I want to stay here with you and mommy". She cries and it breaks my heart to pieces.
I am already in my car, slamming down on the accelerator, I need to get there like 5 minutes ago. "Stay strong princess, no matter what I will come get you, if he takes you away I will come get you back, okay ?"
"Okay daddy, I got to go, someone is coming". She hangs up, and I am figthing the intense fear and pain, no I need to push it away, I need to be strong for my family now, I quickly dial 911, telling the police to get there asap.

*Catalina POV*
When I wake up again I am laying on the bed, feeling weak and sore, hearing Rafaels cold voice in the distance. "Do with her as you want to, she is for your entertainment now, just dispose of the body when you are done".
I try to scream, no no even he can't be that evil, he means for me to be used and abused by his men before letting me die, if I had the strength, I would kill myself here and now, to spare myself the pain and humiliation.
Then I hear voices, and someone is getting on the bed, hands are grabbing me, squeezing my breast, feeling between my legs, but I don't even try to resist, hoping it will be over sooner and hurt less, if I just let them have their way with me.
One of them, I think there are three in all, crawl on top of me, thrusting into me, his voice sounding happy. "Shit the whore is like mega thight, this is going to be so good".

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