"So you are sleeping with my daugther ?"

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3 days later
*Catalina POV*
"Ready to go see your mother ?" Tom asks me, we have spent a couple of days in disney, having a wonderful time, and now it is the day were I go to visit my mom for the first time in years.
I wrote a text and asked if I could come by and she said yes, Tom is going with me as support, but the kids are staying with the others, spending a day at the hotel pool, I want to talk to mom before bringing the kids, she has never met the boys.
I nod slowly, I am as ready as I will ever get and a bit excited, I have missed my mother, we used to be very close. "Yeah, I just hope she can forgive me".
"She is your mother, of course she can forgive you, mothers always do". He says, slipping his arm around me as we walk out to the car.
He opens the passenger door to me and I get inside, I watch him as he walks around the car, wondering what I have done to deserve this amazing man in my life ? Wishing I had met him before I met Rafael, that I could be married to him, that he was the father of my children.
As we drive his right hand is resting on my thigh most of the time, that little touch is enough to make my mind wander, heating up under my libido, and I scold myself, I am a grown woman, not a hormonal teenager, and well we already has sex like every second we get alone, how on earth can I be horny ?
But when we arrive at my mothers house I get other things to think about, my childhood home is small but well kept and cosy, and I can't help smile as I walk up to the front door, Tom grabbing my hand, smiling back at me.
I knock on the door and soon after my mother opens, she looks just like herself, only she has gotten a bit of grey hair, but she is still a very beautiful woman. "Hi mom".
"Chula". She exclaims, pulling me into her arms, my mother is even smaller than me, but when she hugs me I still feel like a child.
When she lets me go, I look at her, feeling like I should have fought Rafael on this, I should have insisted on seeing my mother. "I am so sorry mom".
"It is okay chiquita, I know it is all on that husband of yours". She literally spits out the word husband like it is offensive to her, then she looks at Tom, clearly measuring him up. "Were is he by the way ? Finally gotten rid of him ? And who is this ?"
"Rafael is in Puerto Rico on some business, this is my very good friend Tom, Tom this is my mom Sofia". I blush a bit, well I can't really present him to my mom as my lover.
Tom extents his hand to my mom, smiling at her. "Such a pleasure to meet you Sofia, can I call you Sofia ? Now I see were Catalina got her beauty from".
"Of course you can call me Sofia and you can come here and give me a hug". She says, holding out her arms, and Tom hugs her warmly.

*Tom POV*
We sit at the little back porch of the house, having a glass of lemonade, and I watch as Catalina tells her mother about the kids, not able to keep the smile away from my face, I wasn't just trying to get on her mothers good side when I said I could see where Catalina got her beauty from, they really look very much alike.
"So what do you think about Rafael ?" Sofia suddenly says, narrowing her green eyes, the same colour as Catalinas, at me.
I think about my answer, opting to be completely honest. "To be truthful I have only met him shortly, but I don't like him and I hate what he does to Catalina and the kids, and I am going to get them away from him as soon as possible".
"Good to hear". She says, smiling at me, padding my knee and I am quite sure she knows very well that, I am not just Catalina's friend, it actually hurt a bit hearing her say that, but of course I know why she did it and I understand.
Catalina gets up from her chair, her hand resting on my shoulder for a bit. "I am just going to the bathroom for a second".
"No problem". I say, smiling at her, watching her leave, of course being a bit nervous about being alone with her mother, knowing this is probably when I will get Sofia's honest opinion about me sleeping with her married daughter.
"So you are sleeping with my daugther ?" Sofia looks at me, a twinkle in her eye, making me blush. "Yeah I am not stupid, it is clear to everyone that you two are not just friends, are you serious about getting her away from that abusive bastard ?"
I swallow, nodding slowly. "Yes ma'am, I am working on it, and I promise, I will get them away from him, and as fast as possible, if she weren't so frightened to leave, I would have her away already".
"Good, but be careful, that man is dangerous, he is mean and agressive and he haven't gotten all that money from being a good boy". She says, looking at me with concern.
I nod again. "Yeah I have found out that much, that is also the reason we are moving slow, I need to have something on him to get him to let her and the kids go, for good".
"So you be happy to take care of three kids that aren't even yours ? It would be so much easier for you to just get her away and let him keep the kids". She eyes me, like she is turning on a human lie detector.
But it doesn't make me nervous, I am completely honest right now, and feel I can be it with her. "Might be easier, but it isn't an option, I love those kids and, well Catalina don't know, but I want to adopt them as soon as Rafael is out of the picture".
"Good, I am happy to hear that, I know we just met, but I am good at reading people, and you have my blessing". She says, sending me a soft smile that makes her look so much like Catalina that I feel my stomach knot up.
I grab her hands, smiling thankfully at her. "Thank you so much Sofia, it means a lot to me, I love Catalina and the kids and I promise to always treat them right".
As soon as I let Sofias hands go, Catalina walks back out, looking from me to her mother, clearly feeling we weren't talking about the weather. "What are the two of you talking about ?"
"Oh nothing sweetie, I was just asking Tom about his work and stuff". Her mother says with an very innocent smile.

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