First meeting

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*Catalina POV*
I am beyond frustrated, being left alone to watch 3 young kids alone in Disneyland, not that I don't love my kids, I do, but watching them alone in a crowded park for almost an hour, well that just isn't my idea of fun at all.
And the kids of course don't want to stay in the stroller for all this time, especially since there is a bubble machine going, so I give in and let them out, to chase the bubbles for a while, trying to keep my eyes on all three.
My husband Rafael and his brother Jorge wanted to go try some of the wilder rides, and well I am left to watch the kids, 5 year old Angel, 3 year old Gabriel and 2 year old Adrian.
I try my best, making sure none of them get to far away, that they stay were I can see them, but it isn't easy, as they run of in different directions.
"Angel, don't go to far. Gabriel, stay with mommy. Adrian, come back here now". I feel exhausted to be honest, this was supposed to be a family day, to make us closer and I only feel it ripping us further apart, this wasn't what I expected.
Suddenly Gabriel is knocked over by a bigger boy, and he starts crying, so I hurry to his side, picking him up. Adrian is right by my side. "Don't cry baby, it's okay, nothing happened, see no blood".
When he is happy again I put him down and he returns to chasing the bubbles, but I realise to my horror, that I can't see Angel anywhere.
I start to look for her almost in a panic, not only am I afraid something will happen to my beautiful little girl, but I am also afraid what Rafael might say or do if he returns while she is gone, so I get the boys in the stroller and starts frantically looking for her.

*Tom POV*
I am in Disneyland with Ben and his family, happy that not to many people seems to recognise any of us today, this is supposed to be a relaxed holiday time, not that I don't love talking to my fans, but well sometimes it is just nice to be left alone, and I know Ben feels the same.
Suddenly a little girl with dark bouncing curls comes running, tripping over something, no one helping her up again, so I hurry over, picking her up. "Hi there princess, are you alright ?"
She looks up at me with big scared dark eyes. "No, I can't find my mommy, but I am not allowed to talk to you, because you are a stra... hey wait.. you are Loki"
"That I am, so no longer a stranger then, now tell me, did you run away from your mother ?" I can't help but smile at her recognition.
She looks very remorseful and nods slowly. "Yeah I followed a bubble, and then suddenly her and my brothers were gone".
"You always have to stay were you can see your mommy okay ? Now let's go find her. What is you name princess ?" I ask her.
She looks more relaxed and no longer scared, and she answers happily. "My name is Angel and my brothers are Gabriel and Adrian".
"What a pretty name for a princess, come let's find your mommy". I tell Ben and Sophie to stay, if her mother comes looking for her, and I will backtrack to were she came from, to find her family.
Angel has both her little arms around my neck so I keep her on my arm, while we walk back towards were she had come from. "So do you like Disneyland Angel ?"
"Yeah, I met Mickey, and Cinderella, and mommy promised I could meet Rapunzel, and I hoped you and Thor would be here, because you are funny, but mommy said you weren't". She says, looking at me with a big smile.
She is an adorable little girl and I smile back. "Well I am honored to meet you princess Angel, so you are not scared of me at all ?"
"No, not scared at all, Loki is not evil, just scared and sad, mommy says he neds a big hug". She says putting her little finger on the tip of my nose pressing slightly.
I can't help laughing, and I press her little nose sligtly too. "Well thank you, I am happy to hear, and I think your mother might be right".
"Mommy, there is my mommy". A couple of minutes later she points, getting very excited, and I look up to see a panicked looking latina woman coming towards us, pushing a stroller with two little boys, my first thought is that she can't be the mother, she looks so young and well she doesn't look like a woman who has given birth to three kids within a couple of years, she is absolutely stunning.
She spots Angel on my arm, hurrying over, her thick almost black curls bounching around her, her skin looks flawless and is the colour of nougat. "Oh thank God you found her, I was so scared, thank you sir".
"No problem ma'am, Angel just lost her way a bit". I smile at her, what takes my breath away is her eyes, very unexpectedly they are startling green and not dark as expected.
"Just Call me Catalina". She says, taking Angel from my arms. "Angel sweetie, you can't run of like that, mommy was so worried, it is hard enough watching all of you without that".
I look around, she is alone with three kids here ? "I am Tom by the way, are you here all alone with three kids ?"
"Nice to meet you Tom, and well yeah right now I am, my husband and his brother went to try some things alone". She says, clearly not happy about being left like this.
That has to be pretty stressful, and I make a swift decision. "You know what, I'll keep you company and help you keep an eye on them till they come back".
"Oh you don't have to, you probably have your own family to get back to". She says looking like she just dont want to be a bother.
I smile at her, pulling out my phone to send Ben a text that I found Angels mother, and I meet up with them later. "It isn't a problem at all, just my friend and his family, I just find them later, you look like you need the help more right now".
"Thank you then, to be honest, both the help and the company will be appreciated". She says, sending me a beautiful smile.

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