"Oh I will mom"

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*Catalina POV*
"Please mom ? The kids would love to get to know you and I would love having you there". I say, Tom has just suggested she go back with us to disney, spending the rest of our time here with us.
She looks thoughtful for a moment, then she smiles. "Okay then, just give me ten minutes to pack a bag and get ready".
When my mom has disappeared inside I get up, putting my hands around Tom's neck, sliding down on his lap, kissing him softly. "Thank you so much".
"No problem at all darling, I like your mother, and the kids deserve to spend some time with their grandmother". He says, his hands on my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder.
My mother also seems to like Tom, even though I am quite sure she knows we are not just friends, if not anything else, the fact that Tom has had a hand on me at all times, like he can't bear not to touch me, would probably give it away.
I kiss him again, not hearing my mom before she clears her throat, making me jump up like at teenager caught making out with her boyfriend. "Oh mom, I .. we.. I was just ..".
"Looking for your contact lens ? Well you aren't wearing any and if you were I am pretty sure you wouldn't find it there. Relax chiquita, I know and even though I am against cheating, well I wont hold it against you". She says winking at me, making me blush, I still feel embarrassed that my mom saw me like that.
"Let me take that Sofia". Tom says, taking my moms bag, going to the car, he seems a bit embarrassed getting caught like that too.
On our way out, my mother puts a hand on my shoulder, smiling at me. "You know what sweetie, that one there is a keeper, he clearly loves you and the kids and he seems kind and caring too, and it doesn't make it worse that he is totally hot".
"Moom !" I say blushing, looking at Tom putting my moms bag in the back of the car, then straightening up, flashing me a smile and I say. "Yeah he is, isn't he".
My mother nods, locking up her front door, seending me a nod. "He is, this time you did good my girl, you should have found this one from the beginning".

*Tom POV*
As we drive back, my hand finds its way to rest on Catalinas leg again, no need to hide our relationship for her mother and well, I feel a deep rooted need to have that physical contact with her at all times if I can get away with it.
Her mother tells a lot of stories about Catalina, from she was a kid and teenager, and I love getting to know more about her, I want to know everything about her.
"You sound like you were a lot of trouble back then". I say laughing, squeezing her thigh a bit, feeling her muscles tense under my touch.
Her mother laughs from the back seat. "Oh she was always such a curious child and such a little trouble maker, she never wanted to follow others and that was probably why she started dating Rafael, because I didn't want her to".
"I should have listened mom, you were right about him, but I was to stubborn to listen". Catalina says with a sigh and I feel like hugging her, but it is not possible.
Her mother puts a hand on her shoulder, squeezing it softly. "I should have told you in another way, maybe you would have listened then, but just listen this time right ?"
"Oh I will mom". Catalina says, sending me a soft smile, and I really hope her mom told her something else than to stay away from me.

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