"Shit, I had no choice, I had to do it"

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*Luke POV*
Fuck Tom is serious, he is going to kill him, I mean it isn't that he don't deserve it, but I know Tom, when he returns to himself he will regret it, he isn't one to live with something like that.
But then just as he is about to pull the trigger a small voice sounds from the door. "Daddy, you are really here, are you taking us home ?"
"Angel, you shouldn't be here, please run out to Lucia princess, we will be there in a minute". Tom says, looking at the little girl.
She runs over, hugging his leg fircely, and it is like the shell around him starts to break up. "Thank you for coming daddy, I missed you so much and mom too, is she okay ?"
"Yeah she is baby, and we are going home to her okay ?" I can almost see the shell splinter, the facade melting away, and Tom crumbles to his knees, pulling the little girl into his arms, hugging her, the gun left on the desk.
It warms me seeing him like this, I feel that my friend just returned, it wont be easy, but now he is ready to work on the trauma he has been through.
Tom gets up with Angel in his arms, he is smiling through tears. "Come on princess, lets get home to mommy, she misses you".
"Ha I knew you didn't have the balls for it, what does she see in such a weak man". Rafael says, raising the gun, pointing at Tom and Angel.
Tom turns his back on Rafael, trying his best to shield Angel, not caring for his own safety at all, and that is when I am sure that Tom is back.
I see Rafael start to slowly press down the trigger, I mean come on we just spared his miserable life, I can't let him do this.

*Tom POW*
I hear the gun go of and wait for the pain, for the inpact, hoping my body is enough to shield Angel, that she will at least be okay, but it doesn't happen.
As I turn I see Luke dropping the rifle, looking absolutely horrified by what he just did, studdering slightly. "Shit, I had no choice, I had to do it".
"Thank you Luke and I am so sorry I had to put you in that position". I put an arm around his shoulder, glancing at Rafael, no doubt he is dead, Luke literally took of half his face and I shield Angel on my other arm, no matter what, she shouldn't see her father like this.
We hurry out with Ben behind us, we need to get away before they find Rafael, I got a feeling that as long as we are gone before they find him we will be home free, they are hired guns after all, grabbing everything of value will probably mean more to them.
Lucia is already in the jeep, looking nervously at me. "I am so sorry, she ran off when she heard you were here sir, I couldn't leave the boys alone".
"It is okay Lucia, she stopped me from the greatest mistake of my life, and do call me Tom". I say smiling at her, handing Angel to Ben, who gets in the back with Lucia and the kids, me and Luke gets in the front, and we speed off towards the waiting plane.

*Catalina POV*
I wake from my rest as I hear the door open, expecting it to be Sophie, but when I look up I see Tom stride through the door, he is wearing light cargo pants and a darker shirt only halfway buttoned, he is a bit sweaty and dirty and his face has kind of an new edge to it, like he has seen some bad things, but also a new sensibility.
The sight of him totally takes my breath away, and I just want to feel his arms around me, he looks so sexy as he kneels down by my bed. "Catalina darling, I am so sorry I couldn't be here when you woke up, but I had something to do".
"I know, Sophie told me, I was so scared for you, Rafael is a dangerous man". I tell him, my hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat, I need to know he is really here, that he is safe.
He nods slowly, biting his lip. "Well he was, but he will never bring you pain or sorrow again, he is gone baby, forever".
"Did you kill him ?" I can't see Tom as someone who could kill, but I have been told he killed one of my rapists when saving me, but that was an accident and under pressure.
He shakes his head, but look at me in earnest. "I wanted to, I really did, but Angel stopped me, we would have left but Rafael tried to shoot at me and Angel, so Luke had no choice".
"Thank God for Luke, remind me to give him a big hug". I say smiling, I am relieved that Rafael is gone, that I don't have to fear him coming back.
Then Lucia comes through the door with my kids, all screaming with joy, running over to hug me, and I feel my tears spill, as I hug them, sending Tom a smile. "Thank you, thank you so much".

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