"Thank you so much ma'am, indeed I am blessed"

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*Catalina POV*
"So I got a surprise for you all, we are going to have breakfast with Shamu". Tom announces the next morning, making the kids jump up and down, clapping their hands happily.
I put a hand on his arm, looking up at him. "Thank you Tom, you didn't need to do something like that, you already done so much for us".
"It is my pleasure darling, don't think about it, I am more than happy to do it". He tells me, his smile making me look at his lips and think back to last night, oh that kiss was amazing and I can't stop thinking about it.
We go to the park and get in before it officially opens, getting shown with a small group to the area next to a big pool, getting our breakfast while we watch the big killer whale swim right next to us and play in the water.
"Was it funny ?" Tom asks the kids, as we leave the breakfast area for the park, and they all nod, Angel reach up her arms, making Tom pick her up and she hugs him fiercely. "Thank you Tom".
"You are welcome princess". He says hugging her back, but I can see his eyes are getting misty, he is clearly touched.
We get a map with the times of the different animal shows, so we can plan when to see what, before we start walking around the park, watching the animals.
Both Gabriel and Angel gets excited when they see the dolphins, and start running, I have Adrian in the stroller and calls out. "Slow down kids here are other people".
They don't listen and sprint past an elderly couple, Tom hurrying after them, looking at the couple. "I am so sorry, they are a bit to excited.
"Don't worry my dear, they are just small kids, they are allowed to be excited. They are beautiful and such a lovely family, you are truly blessed". The old woman tells him, making me blush, not knowing what to say.
Tom just smile at her, one of those smile that just light up a room. "Thank you so much ma'am, indeed I am blessed".
His words makes me once again wonder what will happen, can he really help me get away from Rafael, and what if he can ? Could we actually be a family ? Do I want us to ? I am sure he would be a wonderful father and husband, and my kids adore him, but how do I feel about him ? Well I am attracted to him, no doubt, if there is more to it, well I don't know yet.

*Tom POV*
I can see the old ladies words hit something with Catalina, they way she looked at me after, tells me she is thinking about it, I get that it will take time, that she will have to work through a lot of emotions first, before being sure what she really wants.
But this is what I want, what I always wanted, a family, I just didn't know how much I wanted it before now, even though this isn't my family, this makes me feel so happy, so complete.
And Catalina seems to be blossoming being away from Rafael, she is simple radiant and I can't help but hope that it has just a bit to do with me, that I make her this happy.
The day goes way to fast, I want it to last forever, because tonight we are going back home, and I don't know when I get to see her or the kids again.
I have Gabriel on my lap during the dolphin show, and he is squealing with delight every time the dolphins leaps into the air, clapping his little hands and I can't help but smile, seeing the kids so happy makes this more than worth it.
Angel is sitting between us, watching with big eyes and gasping every time something exciting happens and Adrian sits on Catalina's lap giggling happily.

*Catalina POV*
We get to the kids playground, which has some kid rides, a play ground and a water playing area, Angel and Gabriel wants to go on the spinning teacup ride and Tom offers to take them.
Watching Tom trying to fold his long legs into a child size teacup ride is kind of hilarious and I can't help but laugh, making him sent me a triumphant smile when he manage.
But I take them on the next ride, a flying fish ride, because there are no way he would ever get his long legs folded into the small fish wagon.
After that Tom plays with the kids on the big playground, looking like he has almost as much fun as they does, and I think that Rafael would never do something like this, he would feel it beneath him to run around and play like a kid, but honestly I find it very attractive and I am most definitely not the only woman watching him.
"Mommy can we go play with the water ?" Angel comes over asking me, the others following after her, Tom bringing up the rear, breathing a bit heavy from the running around.
I smile at the kids. "Okay then, if you take of your clothes and play in your underwear, then we can dry you in the big dryer after".
"Yeah". They all yells and starts pulling of their clothes, I collect it and put it in the stroller, watching them run into the water area, playing with all the spraying things.
"They really are great kids". Tom says, putting his arms around me from behind, resting his head on top of mine, and it just feels so natural, I can't help lean back against him.

Not his family (A Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now