"Morning my princess"

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*Catalina POV*
I wake up in the middle of the night, about to panic for a moment because I can't move at all, realising that Tom is draped over me like a big warm blanket, his head resting between my breasts, and I let my fingers run into his hair, which is a dissaray of stray curls.
He makes a humming sound, sending vibrations through my body, hitting right in the spot, making my body start to heat up from the inside.
Last night had been the most amazing thing ever, I still can't wrap my mind around that sex can feel like that, but okay I only ever slept with Rafael, so I don't have much experience, but I am quite sure that was way beyond avarage.
I suddenly feel his warm lips make their way over my skin, closing around my nipple, his tongue, making slow lazy cirkles around it, making me want to move, but it is quiet impossible as he is still on top of me.
He looks up at me, seending me a teasing grin, before slowly biting down on my nipple, making me gasp loud with pure pleasure, oh I so know were this is going.
My hands are raking through his hair as he keeps teasing first one nipple, then the other, making me feel like I am literally falling to pieces from that alone.
"Please Tom, take me, now". I literally beg, needing so badly to feel him completely, and he grants my wish, thrusting slowly into me, his hands sliding up to entwine with mine, his eyes locking into mine as he rolls his hips so very slowly against me.
This feels so very intimate, like our souls blend into one, I feel I can truly see right into his heart and it totally takes my breath away, he is the most beautiful person I have ever met and it only makes me love him more.
I fold my legs around his hips, pulling him even closer, and he leans down, kissing me deeply, but keeping the same steady rolling pace.
I have no idea how long we just stay like this, kissing, looking into each others eyes, making love ever so slowly and intimate, feeling how the coil inside me just tightens more and more, until my eyes roll back in my head and I moan his name, pulling him with me into a tsunami of an orgasm.

*Tom POV*

No words needs to be spoken, we have a connection that eliminates that, something I honestly never felt before, something so pure and beautiful it takes my breath away.
I slide down beside her, pulling her into my arms, snuggling my face into her hair, just wanting to stay like this forever, having her in my arm, breathing in her scent.
My plan just have to work, I can't imagine my life without her, without the kids, I need to get them away from Rafael, no matter the cost.
I had Luke put someone to work on it, and I hope I will get good news soon, the mere thought that she has to go back to him, live with him, maybe even have sex with him, no I can't handle that.
Her breathing tells me she has fallen back asleep, she looks so peacefull, so relaxed, no worries weighing her down, I gently kiss her temple, snuggling closer to her, before going back to sleep myself.

*Angel POV*
I wake up early in the morning, and sneak out of bed, looking for my mother, I sneak down to the big bedroom, she is there, sleeping wrapped up in Tom's arms, looking so happy and relaxed, it makes me happy seeing mom that glad.
"Morning my princess". Tom says softly, smiling at me, lifting himself up on one elbow, putting a finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet.
I smile, walking closer to their bed, keeping my voice down the best I can. "Morning Tom, I hope you have slept well ?"
"I most definitely has slept wonderfully, what about you sweetie ?" He asks, clapping on the bed beside him, and I skip over to sit down.
"I had a funny dream, but I slept very well". I tell him, then I can't help but ask. "What are we going to do today ?"
"Well I was thinking we could go to the magic kingdom, so if you go wake up your brothers, I wake up your mother, deal ?" He asks with a smile.
I hug him and then jump down on the floor, heading for the door as I say over my shoulder. "Deal, because mommy can be grumpy in the morning, so now you are warned".

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