"Oh I just.. I mean I wasn't.. I was just.. sorry"

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*Catalina POV*
I lay on the sun bed soaking up the sun next to the private cabana, this is pure luxury, the kids are playing in the sand, and Tom are helping them build a castle, I so wished this was how Rafael was with them.
As I stretch lazily and open my eyes slowly, I catch Tom looking at me, in a way that instantly heats up my inside, his look is almost hungry, but in the good way, a way that makes me feel sexy, beautiful and wanted.
"Oh I just.. I mean I wasn't.. I was just.. sorry". He says, turning a deep shade of pink, looking absolutely adorable.
I smile at him, hiding the butterflies I feel in my stomach, our relationship can't go any farther than this so better not to show that he effects me. "No problem Tom, it is totally fine. Is someone ready to get back in the water ?"
"Yeah me, me". The kids screams, jumping up and down, Tom sending me a grateful smile as he gets up, I know this is a dangerous situation, there are no doubt that he feels something too, I have to watch out that we don't end up in a bad place.
I pick up Adrian, not that he can't walk, but the walk ways are pretty hot for his small feet. "Lets go check out the wave pool".
"Yeah lets do that". Tom says, letting Angel and Gabriel grab his hands, pulling him along, but soon they start complaining that the ground is hot and their feet hurts, and Tom lifts them both up, carrying one on each arm.
It makes his biceps bulge in a quite distracting way, and I catch up to walk beside him. "Is it okay Tom ? Can you carry them both ?"
"No problem, they weigh next to nothing". He says, seending me a beautiful smile, one that kind of makes it hurt on my inside, sparking dreams of things that can never be.
We get to the big wave pool, and we put safety vests on the kids just in case, Tom says. "I can take Angel an Gabriel if you take Adrian, is that alright ?"
"Perfectly fine, if you are sure you can handle them both". I say, once again getting the thought that this is how a family should be, and I make a mental note that I have to talk to him tonight when the kids are at sleep, to make sure that he understands that friends are all we can ever be, I wont lead him on.
I put Adrian down in the water, taking his hand, Tom does the same with Angel and Gabriel and we wade out into the water.

*Angel POV*
We are having lunch in the cabana, and I watch my mom and Tom talking, they look at each other, but they do that a lot actually, I think they really like each other, mom never talks to dad like this or look at him in that way.
I like Tom very much, he is very sweet and kind and he is very funny too, I wish he could be my daddy, he is the way I think a father should be.
As I sit and smile happily to myself, eating some fruit, Tom looks at me and ask. "What are you thinking about Angel ?"
"Just how you are a much better daddy than my own daddy". I tell him with a smile, his eyes go wide and moms face snaps towards me, did I say anything wrong ?
Tom sends me a smile, rufling up my hair a bit. "Thank you Angel, that was a very sweet thing to say, but you know what, I am sure your father does his best".
"No daddy is mean, he never wants to play with us and he is mean to mommy, makes her hurt and cry". Maybe Tom can help mom.
He looks at mom and she looks away, getting red in the cheeks, like she don't like to talk about it. "That doesn't sound nice Angel, but I am sure it feels worse than it is. What about you and me go try one of the big water slides ?"
"Yeah, I want to try the biggest one in the park". I say jumping up, mommy is sending Tom a small smile, like she is happy he stopped me from telling the truth.

*Tom POV*
I take Angel to go on the big water slide, and on the way I can't help but ask. "How bad is your father ? Is he just yelling or is he hitting your mother ?"
"He hits her, sometimes he whips her with a horse whip, I saw him do it once, he is a really bad man". She say squeezing my hand.
I almost gasp, holy shit, I hadn't expected something like that, is it really the truth or is she making up things ? She looks very sincere. "I am very sorry sweetie, I will try and help your mother the best I can, I promise that".
She looks up at me like I am some kind of hero and I truly hope I wont have to let her down, that I can actually do something to help them.

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