"Mommy why are you looking at Tom ?"

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*Catalina POV*
"Ready to go get some breakfast kids ? And then hit the waterpark ?" Tom asks them the next morning, and they all squeal in delight in response.
I smile at both them and him, thinking this will be a great day hopefully. "I think they are more than ready to be honest".
"Well so am I, but don't tell anyone". Tom whispers loudly to Angel, making her giggle and take his hand, which totally melts my heart, she would never do that with her father.
We get in the car and drive to a nearby breakfast restaurant, and when we get out I see someone discreetly snap a picture of Tom, feeling a flash of panic, what if someone takes pictures of us together ? But Raphael doesn't read tabloids or use social medias, so the chances of him seeing is slim to none.
The kids behave perfectly, it is like they compete to show Tom how sweet and good they can be, and they have his undivided attention.
After breakfast we get to the waterpark and go to the changing room, Tom looks at me. "I can take Gabriel with me to the boys locker room if it is okay with you ?"
"Can I mom, please ?" He asks me, and I nod, I have no fear what so ever with letting Tom be alone with my kids. "Of course you can sweetie".
I go into the womans changing room with Angel and Adrian, getting them changed into bathing clothes, and putting on my own bikini, wondering if I should have gone for a more covering one piece bathing suit.
As I get out I spot Tom and Gabriel putting their things into a locker, and we walk over to put in our things too, as Tom straigtens up and turns towards me I have to admit I do a double take, he is wearing dark blue swimming shorts. He is slim with very well defined muscles, his chest and stomach has a slight splash of ginger hair, rigth now with pearls of water slowly making their way down over him.
His hair is wet and smoothed back, but curls is starting to emerge, and then he runs a hand through it, leaving it a mess of wet curls. "Everyone ready ?"
"Sure". I manage to press out, holy moly I hadn't really thought of him as sexy before, just very handsome, but well I just changed my mind.
And suddenly I get a feeling, that this Can end up being a couple of very long days.

*Tom POV*
I take a deep breath, Catalina is wearing a simple orange bikini that looks amazing on her tan skin.
Skin that are flawless by the way, smooth and radiant, she looks utterly perfect, I still can't believe she has carried three children.
"Come on I have rented a private cabana were we can leave our towels and relax". I say, Angel and Gabriel grabbing my hands.
We make our way to the secluded cabana and put down our towels.
"What about we go to the kids play area first ?" I say and everyone agrees, so that is were we head first.
I walk behind Catalina, but I soon make sure to catch up, she has a way of swaying her hips that are utterly distracting, but it is clearly nothing she does to be enticing, it is just the way she walks.
The kids look at the giant water playground with huge excited eyes and Angel grabs my hand. "Come on I wanna go on the biggest slide".
"Can you handle the boys alone ? While I take her up there ?" I ask Catalina.
She sendes me a smile that makes my Heart flutter. "No problem, we just stay here by the small slide".
I take Angel's hand, actually happy to get away from Catalina a bit, she looks way to beautiful and sexy like this.
Angel pulls me through the knee deep water and up the water playground, it has water dripping, running and spraying from above, and we make our way up stairs and over walkways to get to the top were the biggest water slide is.

*Catalina POV*
I sit down in the water, watching Tom and Angel make their way up the stairs, given me a pretty good wiev of his backside, the wet swimming shorts glued to him, and well I got to admit that it is a very good looking ass he got on him.
"Mommy why are you looking at Tom ?" Gabriel asks me, and I turn my focus back to him and Adrian, slightly blushing over his observation.
I can't be looking at Tom like that, I can't be thinking of him like that, I am a married woman, with a very jealous husband. "I was just making sure Angel was okay. Did you wan't something sweetie ?"
"Can me and Adrian try the small slide ?" He say, pointing to the smallest water lide, and I nod, they kan both easily climp the 7 steps up and slide down themselfs, so I stay put, watching them.
They have great fun, and I am happy I agreed to do this, but I hope Rafael never finds out, I would be in a world of trouble if he did and a world of pain probably.
As I sit in my own thoughts watching the boys, I suddenly get hit in the back by a spray of cold water, making me squeal and turn around, seeing Tom and Angel both laughing as they shoot me again with a big stationary water gun.
I jump up and run to another gun, shooting back at them, hitting Tom in the face, making him splutter and laugh, telling Angel to shoot back, which she does.
The boys join me and we have a big water fight, laughing and giggling, having a blast and getting totally soaked all of us.

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