"Holy shit Tom, please don't start shooting people"

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*Catalina POV*
"Hi there and welcome back sweetie". I hear a soft voice as I wake up, and look up to see Sophie sitting beside my hospital bed.
I look around the room for the person I need the most, but he isn't here, and I fear he is in trouble. "Tom ? Where is Tom ?"
"He has gone after Rafael with Ben and Luke, he says he has some leverage on Rafael that will get him the kids back". She tells me, taking my hand.
I feel a panic wash over me, I know I begged him to help my kids, but Tom has no idea what he is walking into and well, Tom is such a sweet guy, and those men are hardened criminals, it could end really bad. "No, no Rafael will kill him".
"Try and relax, I know it is not without danger, but don't underestimate Tom, he might come off as all sweet and fluffy, but he can handle himself when needed". She says, trying to sound like she belives it.
I let myself fall back on the pillow, feeling paralysed with fear and sorrow, as the doctor comes in to tell me of all the surgery I have been through and the damage that had been done to me.

*Tom POV*
I park the jeep in front of the big ranch, and jump out, Ben and Luke following me, I feel eerily relaxed and cold, considering the situation and the heavily armed guards, whom I walk up to. "Tell Rafael that I am here to get back the kids".
"Who says the boss wants to see you ?" One of the men says, trying to look scary probably, fidling around with his semi-automatic rifle.
I just smirk at him, well he won't see me flinch. "Oh he will want to see me or I might need to talk to Senor Vargas about his little side businesses".
Out of the corner of my eye I can see both Ben and Luke look like I have gone completely bonkers, and well it might not be to far from the truth, but right now I need them to stay calm.
The two guards look at each other, and discusses shortly in spanish, then one of them turns and walk through the gates. "Follow me please".
We follow him into the big house, and I take notice of were the guards are, well after what I am about to do it might be a good thing to know if we want to make it out of there.
He knocks on a door and sticks his head inside, saying something, before he opens the door, showing us inside. "Senor Rojas is ready to see you now".
I walk inside, seeing Rafael sitting behind a desk, he hides it very well if he is surprised to see me, and the sight of him sends my blod boiling like a volcano on the brink of eruption.
"Welcome to my humple home, to be honest I did not expect to see you here, I kind of expected you to be curled up in a corner weeping over that dead bitch, I migth have underestimated you after all, or you might just be very stupid". Rafael says smirking.
I places both my hands on the desk, glaring directly into his eyes, I had gotten the text from Sophie that Catalina has woken up just before we arrived. "Yeah about that, it didn't work, your friend Diego on the other hand, I might have snapped his neck and your brother, well his nose didn't look to good when they took him to jail".
He actually looks shaken for a moment, his pupils dilating, but then he shrugs. "So you saved her before they were done, she is still nothing but a used whore now, used and ruined, who would want that ?"
I might loose my cool a bit, and I hear Luke call out for me, as I jump over the desk, pulling Rafael out of his chair, slamming him into the wall, having him by the throat. "Don't you ever talk about her like that your filthy scum".
He gives a signal and I hear the the guard cock his rifle, knowing it is aimed at me, I let out a low whistle a signal we have agreed on and Ben shiftly elbows him in the head, Luke grabbing the weapon, knocking the guard out with the butt of it.
"Oh you should not have done that, here I thought we were having a nice conversation, and you try having me shot, well that is not nice". I pull a little back, slamming him into the wall again.
He glares at me, his voice trying to sound cold and relax, but I can hear it tremble slightly. "What do you want ? Why do you care about those fucking kids ? It is not like they are yours and you already have the bitch if you still want her".
"See that's were you are mistaken, you might be the sperm donor, but I am their father for all other purposes, and I am bringing them back with me". I tell him.
He still tries to seem in control, smirking at me, making me want to knock the teeth from his mouth. "And what if I wont let them go ?"
"Well then I just have to go get them myself won't I ? Just so much more messy". I say, pulling the gun I have concealed on my back under my shirt, clicking of the safety and pressing it against his forehead.
I hear Ben curse and Luke mutter. "Holy shit Tom, please don't start shooting people". Well I didn't tell them about my whole plan.
"So you better get the kids packed and ready, and if you try anything now or later senor Vargas will hear about your little side business and I don't think you want that, do you ?" I ask, pressing the gun harder against his forehead.
"Okay okay, if you just let me down so I can use the intercom". He says, holding up his hands as a sign that he is giving in.
I hope he doesn't think I am stupid, I slowly let him down, keeping the gun pointing at his head. "No speaking spanish, ask for the kids to get send down here and make sure you have their passports, and speak english".
"Lucia, be so kind as to bring the kids to my office immediately". He says into the intercom, and I grab his shoulder, pressing him back down into the chair.
I hold out my hand to him. "Now give me the passport, Lucia's too". When he doesn't react my fist connects with his jaw. "Now please".
"I am not sure were I put them". He says, making me grind my teeth and raise my fist and he suddenly seem to remember, fidling for a key. "Oh yes, in my drawer of course".
Ben puts a hand on my shoulder, his voice filled with concern. "You need to calm down Tom, don't do anything rash, we all want to get out of here alive".
"Oh don't worry, I won't be doing anything rash, it is all very calmly calculated". I tell him with a smile that is meant to be reassuring.
Rafael hands me the passports, and I check them, before putting them in my pocket, feeling my spirits lift a bit. "See that wasn't so hard".
About 5 minutes later Lucia sticks her head into the office and gasps in surprise when she sees me, I smile at her. "Hi Lucia, get the kids into the jeep outside, we are taking you home". I turn to Rafael, my voice telling him to comply. "Make sure they won't be stopped".
Lucia nods and disappears out the door, Rafael makes a face but presses the intercom, most likely calling the front gate. "Lucia and the kids are okay to leave".
I rip the cords from the intercom, now he can't call for help or change his orders no matter what, I check that the gun has a bullet in the chamber and glances at Ben and Luke. "You two might want to leave now, I be along in a minute".
"Tom no, he did as you asked, come on, lets just go, he is not worth it". Ben says, sounding a bit panicked and I can see Luke nod.
I shake my head, pressing the gun hard against his forehead, I wont feel better before he is dead, I wont feel that my family is safe as long as he is alive. "Yes he is, he is worth it, I can't let him get away with what he did".
"Tom stop, you will regret this, I know you and this is not you, don't do it". Luke pleads with me, and some part of me know he is right, but I am just to fuelled by anger right now.
I shake my head again, taking a deep breath, ready to pull the trigger and end this vermin once and for all. "I have to do this, please leave so you are not involved".

Not his family (A Tom Hiddleston story)Where stories live. Discover now