"I promise, I will do anything I can to help"

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*Tom POV*
The kids are tucked in, just like last night Angel wanted me to tuck her in, and after the long day in the water park she fell asleep before I was even done singing to her. I walk back in to the living-room, thinking we need to have a talk.
I find Catalina sitting on the couch, a glass of wine in her hand, she is wearing silk pyjamas pants and a tank top, her hair falling in loose curls down around her shoulders, she looks absolutely stunning.
"We need to talk Tom". She says, biting her lip as she looks up at me, and I sit down, taking the other glass, pouring some wine for myself. "I was thinking excatly the same".
"I hope this isn't to forward, and I'm sorry if I am misreading anything, but I kind of feel like there is something happening between us, some attraction or something, but I am married and my husband is very jealous and possesive". She says.
I nod, there is no reason to lie, we both know that there is something happening. "No, it is fine and you are right, I feel it too, but yeah, I know it can never be anything more than this, friends and even that only secretly, I understand. Can I ask you something ?"
"I am glad we understand each other and yes of course, I will try to answer honestly". She says, taking a big sip of her wine.
I take a deep breath, it isn't an easy topic to break into, and I am a little afraid she will get angry with me, but I just can't ignore it. "Angel told me something, and I wanted to know if it is true, she says that Rafael hits you, even whips you sometimes ?"
Her face tells me everything, she don't have to answer the question, and I feel my blood boil, how can anyone be so evil ? I am not a violent person, but hell I would like to get my hands on him, see how he fares against someone more his own size.
"He is just very possesive and a bit jealous, he is afraid I will stray if he doesn't keep me under control". She says, looking down.
I gently grab her chin, lifting her face to look her in the eyes. "Don't defend him darling, there is no excuse for the way he treats you, don't ever let him tell you that, you are worth so much more".
"Some part of me know that you are right, But I just wish that I could actually believe it". She says, finally focussing on me, and the pain in her eyes hurts me inside.
I grab her hands, looking at her. "You can't go on like this, the kids can't go on like this, we need to find a solution, you need to get away from him".
"I can't, he will take the kids from me, if he will even let me leave, you don't know what he is capable of". She looks panicked and starts sobbing and I gently pull her into my arms. "I promise, I will do anything I can to help".

*Catalina POV*
I can't help but sobbing like a kid, feeling more safe than forever in Tom's strong arms, he holds me close to him, gently stroking my back and talking in a soothing voice, like I am an upset child needing his comfort.
He is so warm and feels so strong, and I ache to just give in, to lift my face and let my lips find his, it would be so very easy, and honestly I want so badly to kiss him right now that it is a almost physical longing.
And he smells so good, masculine, warm, like a summer breeze with a hint of something spicy, and I feel myself snuggle closer to him, not wanting him to let go of me, this is a closeness and a comfort I haven't felt in a very long time.
When I finally stop crying, I find myself sitting in his lap, all cradled up and protected, and he whispers softly in my ear. "Are you better now Catalina ?"
"Yeah, I am sorry I acted like this". I say, suddenly feeling embarrassed that I bared my soul like this, I don't know him that well, even though I feel like I've known him forever.
As I look up at him he just smiles softly, his eyes tells me that he is truthful, he really wants to help us. "It's okay, I know you are in a very bad situation and I have no problem comforting you".
I feel like I can't pull my eyes away from his, and then he wet his lips, his breathing getting a bit shallow and I curse him for it internally, stop being so damn sexy and irresistible.
But I simply can't control my urge, and before I even realise what I am doing, I have sealed my lips to his, kissing him softly, and he pulls me closer, his lips molding to mine, like they were made to fit perfectly together.
My hands run into his hair, oh I so longed to do that, his hands are caressing my back again, but now it feels quite different and I feel short of breath, I haven't been kissed like this in.. well I don't think I have ever been kissed like this.
When my tongue starts tracing his lips, he gasps sligtly, opening his mouth to me, and I deepens the kiss, letting my tongue caress his.
Now his hands are kind of grabbing fistfuls of my shirt, like he doesn't really know what to do with his hands, and I can actually feel his heart pounding in his chest, knowing mine is beating to the same erratic beat.
In the end I have to breathe and I reluctantly tear my lips from his, resting my head on his shoulder, trying to collect myself.

*Tom POV*
Holy shit, I try to breathe, to calm down, she kissed me and it had felt so amazing, my head is spinning, I know I should have stopped her, she is way to vulnerable, and I know that this is probably going to be it, at least until she is free of Rafael.
I also know now that I have to stick through with this, help her get her life and freedom back, hoping she still wants me then, because I know for at fact now that I want this, I want her.
Some people might think it strange I want a woman who already has three kids, but I love the kids, I happily take them too, hell I happily have a couple more if she is up for it, but I am getting a bit ahead of myself here.
"I am sorry Tom, I shouldn't have kissed you". She says, finally looking up at me again, blushing slightly over her own actions.
I kiss her ligthly on the nose, smiling softly at her, I wont upset her over this. "It is okay Catalina, I didn't exactly object".
"Thank you Tom, see you tomorrow okay ? Sleep well". She lets her lips ghost over mine, before getting up and leaving for her own room, I really have to control myself not to follow her, instead I turn of the lights and go to my own bedroom.

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