"Oh it is beautiful, thank you so much"

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3 days later
*Catalina POV*
I am in the living-room when I hear Rafael's voice in the hallway, plastering on a smile immediately, I don't want him to think anything is amiss, I need to play the same game as always, even though it falls me much harder than usual.
I walk out to greet my husband, a man I no longer love, I haven't loved him for years, but I fear him to much to leave him, I know what the punishment is for even minor missteps, I don't even dare think what he would do to me if I tried to leave him or if he finds out about me seeing Tom.
"Hi darling and welcome home". I say as I spot him, he still is kind of handsome, just like he was back when we met, but his eyes are hard and cold, and well honestly he just doesn't mesure up to Tom in any way.
He hold out his arms, and I walk into them for a hug, trying not to follow my instinct and shy away from his touch. "It has been a hellish week, so I just want to relax, please make sure the kids don't make to much noise".
"Of course, I know how tired you always are when you arrive back from a trip, I will try my best to keep them away from you". I say, I prefer to keep them away, it will lower the risk of them mentioning things they shouldn't by accident.
He lets me go and pulls something from him pocket, it is a small velvet pouch, and I know right away that he once again has bought me some expensive jewellery to make amends for hitting me and for being away, I don't like that he tries to buy my love that way. "I got you a little gift".
"Thank you, you didn't have to". I answer accepting the pouch, slowly opening it, pulling out a necklace with diamonds and pearls, it is way to flashy and over the top for my liking, but Rafael likes to show of his money and give me things like this.
I plaster on the usual fake smile as I hold it up and try to sound excited, I know how easy it is to piss him of if I don't seem happy enough with his gift. "Oh it is beautiful, thank you so much".
I put it on and pretend to admire it in the mirror, then I turn and kiss him lightly, but he grabs me, kissing me hard, and I fight an urge to push him away, but I have to ignore it, close my eyes and think happy thoughts.
"Tell Lucia to take care of my bag, I will go say hi to the kids, before I go rest for a while, come wake me in two hours". Rafael says before leaving the room.
When Rafael has gone upstairs I kind of start to panic, I know what he wants when I wake him in two hours and just the thought of having sex with my husband makes me want to throw up, but what can I do to prevent it ?

*Tom POV*
I am sitting in my kitchen, thinking about when I get to see Catalina again, when my phone buzz with a message and I feel an instant fluttering in my stomach, telling myself that I am stupid, it is probably just Luke or Ben.
> I am sorry to disturb you, but Rafael just got home, he is resting now after the journey, but he wants me to wake him up in two hours, and I know what he wants then, but I don't want to and I don't know what to do ? < Catalinas text makes me hurt inside, I definitely don't want her to sleep with him either, the mere idea makes me feel sick.
I think shortly and write her back. > I wish I could protect you, make sure you were never pushed or forced to do anything you don't want to. Isn't there something you can tell him that will make him leave you alone ? <
> Well maybe I could tell him that it is that time of the month, that I have my period, he doesn't know I have gotten a IUS and don't really get my period anymore < I might breathe a sigh of relief when I read her answer, that will buy us a bit of time.
I wish it was as easy as just asking her to leave her husband, but I know it isn't just about doing that > Yeah do that if you know that will stop him for now. When can I see you, I miss you terribly ? <
> I miss you too. Rafael has a lunch meeting the day after tomorrow, I might be able to get out of going if I fake really bad cramps, then I could come by your house, for an hour or two ? < I know I am smiling like an idiot when I read her answer.
The thought of seeing her again, of having some time alone, makes me feel like I could actually float of the ground with happiness > If you can do it without bringing yourself in trouble then I am waiting for you <
> See you the day after tomorrow then, I almost can't wait < I get up, starting to clean up the house, not that it is really needed, but I am just to elated rigth now not to do something physical.

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