'Episode' 2 Mothballs Part 10 (end)

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Doctor-When I was 7-they came." she paused swallowing back the painful emotions she had with the memory.

"Who came?" asked the Doctor quietly as his interest suddenly peeked.

"I don't know-some-things came. They were tall, dressed in hooded robes with some sort of guns and chains. They wanted my family-It was like my mother knew they would come one day and she hid us, me & my sister. My mother told me and my sister to be quiet-to not make a sound. She made me promise I wouldn't leave my sister, to keep her safe...and I.."

The Doctor observed a flood of guilt overcome her and-were they tears dancing in her pretty greeny-brown eyes?

"..I did..I left her. I left my sister. I told her to stay put, I told her I'd be quick. I went to try and find someone, anyone, to help-when I came back they were gone-all of them. My whole family just...... gone. All gone. The House, my home was...burning." She swallowed as another well of emotion rose sickeningly in her chest.

Her guilt, her sadness and her loneliness they seemed to cloak her for a moment and The Doctor found himself relating all too closely with her emotions. He knew exactly what it was like. He understood her and glimpsed her real self for just a second in that moment. The recklessness, the standoff-ish attitude, the 'I work alone' mentality, even sometimes the bravery-it was all a facade. The Doctor shifted in the silence-the comparison he had just made frightend him just slightly.

"I know they didn't die in the fire." she said stiffly when she regained her compsure " I know they didn't-I left my sister in the shed....she wouldn't have run away-she would have waited. She was gone & it was wrecked-" she stopped giving a sigh, turning away and folding her arms "You don't believe me do you? No-one ever believed me."

"I believe you." The Doctor replied honestly.

"You-You do?" She faced him again unfolding her arms. The Doctor gave a nod.

"I hid while the fire men put out the fire and I went back into the house in the morning and that's when I found the newspaper with the photograph-My dad left it for me-I KNOW he did-he meant me to find it. He was asking me, telling me to find them, to find a way. I promised myself I would find out what it was, who it was, that took them- find out where it was, find my family and bring them home."

The Doctor hesitated –it was a long time ago.

"I know it was a long time ago" she continued as if reading his thoughts "but I have to hope-I have to try."

"You said it was like your mother knew they were coming...what made you say that?"

"My dad was always working on-with- strange things. Like the Sonic-he had loads of things, He had connections-really top connections, secret government type connections-like Torchwood. Most of what I know I used to read in his notes or he'd tell us as 'stories'. My mum always said it would get us all into trouble one day."

The Doctor understood her need, her ache to try and find her family. He couldn't help thinking of Gallifrey-burning-dying.

How he wished he could change it.

He looked at her.

Her hair still slightly wet drying in loose waves. Her green brown eyes downcast and full of all the emotions he blocked himself from feeling. "I'm sorry." He said truthfully.

He never expected this.

"Will you Help me find them Doctor?"

She looked at him-waiting. Her posture still tense and slightly guarded.

The Doctor found he was fighting with himself inside.

This was part of something bigger-possibly more dangerous than just taking someone along for the ride.

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