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Same day

°●○• BRAD •○●°

"Anyway, I'm very sorry. You were both right. He's nothing but a pain in the arse." Brad told his friends, who agreed with his statement. Lance already made up with Brad after he was suspended from school.

"See? I told you! So, should we continue to ruin his life?" Dave asked Brad, who shook his head no in reply.

"I can't. None of us can. I lost a game to him and I promised to do 'good things' to him." Brad rolled his eyes, then Lance scoffed.

"Well, why don't you ruin his life by being 'good'?" Lance told him, then Brad raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?" Brad asked them.

"Like, you do good things, but they have mischief in them." Lance added, then Brad, who was obviously very interested, rubbed his hands together and nodded his head.

"Go on."

"Like, you give him food, but there's something else in it." Dave told Brad once he understood, then Brad thought for a while before going back to them.

"Okay. I think I have a few things in mind." Brad told them, then they all nodded.

"I'll see you all in the morning, okay?" Brad told them, then he ended their video call.

Brad shut his laptop down and put it on charge. He then went under his sheets and laid down.

He wasn't lying when he said that Connor made he and his dad's vacation better. In fact, Connor wasn't a pain in the arse.

But Dave and Lance might flip if they will find out that Brad actually wanted to be friends with Connor, or that he actually enjoyed his time with Connor. Connor was best friends with their sworn enemies, after all, and it's the reason why Brad shut him out at the last minute.

But part of Brad also wanted to apologise to Connor for his behaviour that night. He wanted Connor to know that he really wanted to be friends, although he couldn't.

He was torturing himself. His mind kept telling him to avoid Connor at all costs to avoid trouble, but his heart kept telling him to give Connor a chance because he just might be the friend that he needs.

He really had to stop thinking deeply at this hour of the night. It's doing nothing good to him and it's making him more and more disappointed at himself as time passes by.

October 23, 2017

Brad met with Dave and Lance, who had smirks on their faces.

"Hey." Brad told them, then Dave and Lance smiled at him.

"Guess what?" Dave asked him, and Brad raised his eyebrows in interest.

"It's the day of the tryouts today. The best three players among the newcomers will join the team." Lance told Brad, then he nodded.

"So, what's the plan?" Brad asked them, then Dave spoke up.

"Take Connor home. Just make sure that you'll give him a special treat." Dave told him, then Brad raised his eyebrow.

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