202 11 14

River Thames
England, UK
October 24, 1998

Dear Diary,

I can't believe that I finally found you after one week of being missing! Because of that, I'm going to fill you in with the events that happened last week (sorry).

My sister and I were in the middle of an intense chess game (I was winning, okay?) when our telephone started ringing. Dad answered it, and we couldn't help but listen to his every word. For some reason, he sounded slightly angry at first, but then his tone turned calm once the phone call neared to an end.

He put the phone down and sat with Sophie and I, then he told us what the call was about.

It was about me. Tristan's family wanted to apologise for Tristan's behaviour, and my dad apologised for what I've done, as well.

The thing is, they all agreed that the 'nonsense beef' between us should stop.

Which is why I'm on the Thames right now.

Okay, not literally, but you get what I mean.

The Evans family invited me as a plus one to a private wedding ceremony here in London. It was lovely, I had to admit, but sitting next to Tristan for a whole hour made it very awkward.

When we were at the reception, he finally talked to me and said that he's sorry that my ass had to be dragged there.

I said that it was no problem at all, and he smiled.

We talked during the whole reception, until his 4-year-old niece approached us and asked if he could dance with her. He gladly accepted her offer then they went on the dance floor.

I watched them as they danced, and I had to admit, he looked so adorable. The smile he put on his niece's face made me think that maybe he's not so bad after all, and that he had a heart of gold inside him all along.

When they were done dancing, we talked again. This time, I really thought that we were friends.

That was until his parents approached us, and he ignored me again.

I'm slowly getting tired of this façade that he's showing me. I want to know who the real Tristan is.

And I'm sure that this quiet person who is beside me while I'm writing this journal entry during a heavy London traffic is not the Tristan that I badly want to meet.


But now you know that I ignored you so that my parents will think that their plan didn't work and that we could talk more, eh?


Trames moment = Bronnor moment ??? tune in on Saturday to find out 😉

How are you finding the story so far? Good? Bad? Let me (us...I miss Dani, okay? 😕) know!

~ Kat :)


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