Chapter 11

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(Hiii) :P

I wake up drained. Harry left right before i fell asleep last night which was around 1 in the morning.

I am not ready to go back to class. I don't know why but I just feel drained.

I lay back down and drift back to sleep.

One day won't hurt to skip


"Get up Kayla" my mom says quietly yet panicked while pulling on my arm, tugging down my purple blankets.

"But mommy!" I whine at her.

"Honey we need to go now" she stays quiet but holds her ground. She walks over to my closet and pulls out a few articles of clothing. Several shirts, skirts, and pants. Followed by undies and socks. She brings my princess slippers over to the bed and slips them on my feet. "Come on sweetie"

She has one arm filed by two with my clothes and one with hers I'm guessing....and the other arm is carrying me.

She brings me out to the cold "grab your jacket as we walk by the door okay Kayla?" She looks at me and I nod.

She unlocks and opens the door while I grab my coat...I see she isn't wearing her and grab hers as well "mommy you need a coat" I say.

"I will put it on in the car" she calmly assures me.

"Hi daddy" I say before mom walks out. Dad is standing behind us.

"You bitch!!" He screams...

Daddy pulls on mommys arm and i fall from her arms. He slaps mommy in the face the she scrambles trying to run to the door.

"Mommy?!" I scream as loud as I can.

Daddy walks towards her and slaps her again. He grabs her arm harshly...

-no no no, wake me up, Harry! Wake me up!-

And pulls her inside closing the door.

"Get the fuck off of me!!" She screams.

I don't know what to do so I just scream and continue to at a very loud high pitch level.

Mom looks at me. "Kayla get the fuck up! Please get up!" She screams


"Kayla? Kayla get up!! Kayla please!!"

I hear a different voice fading away the nightmare.

My throat hurts like crazy.

"Kayla are you okay?! You were screaming like you were about to die" he explains panicked.

"Why are you here?" I'm just curious as to why he stopped by.

"Class is over and since you weren't there I thought id check on you." He frowns "are you mad that I'm here?"

"No! That's not what I meant I was just wondering why. I'm overjoyed that your here. Especially since you woke me up." I explain. My voice is hoarse and shaky.

"Okay" he simply answers with a warm smile. "Are you okay?"

"Yea. Just a nightmare" I lie giving him a reassuring smile.

"Kayla? Your not okay, what was your dream about?" He asks.

I don't want to tell him. I want to deal with this myself. It's not his business.

"Harry..." I put my hand on his and sit up "I'm fine"

"Okay" he sighs.

He wants to know more about me but I'm still confused about our relationship. I can't just tell him personal stuff like this. I need to know how he feels

"Harry..." I take a deep breath "I am really confused about our relationship" I say all letting out the one breath.

He stays silent.

"Harry?" I say

"Yea I know..." He breaks his gaze. He is quick to change the subject. "Want to go get something to eat?" He asks. It's almost 1 o'clock and I haven't eaten anything all day.

"Yeah" I sigh.

I know he is confused about our relationship too but he wants things to be simple. Simple isn't a word that comes around often in a relationship like ours.


We go to Shirley's for lunch. I order a simple burger and fries and he gets two hotdogs and fries for a side as well.

I finish my burger and half of my fries. The other half ends up on Harrys plate of course. The whole time we are talking about each other. He is even more perfect than I thought.

I don't tell him any of my past family drama. Nothing too heavy. I'm sore he is skipping that stuff too.

He did tell me he had a little sister when he was 15 who died in a car crash when she was two. That was as heavy as things got. Her name was Kendal. She had brown hair and brown eyes. Harry says her eyes were like mine, Greenish brown. He explains how the first time he saw me he saw a glimpse of his sister.

It's beautiful and touching how he actually cares about other people than himself. Harry is like a guy you can only find in stories...almost too good to be true...

That's exactly it.

He is too good to be true. This has to be an act. This can't be-

"Are you still hungry?" He interrupts my thoughts with kind eyes.

"No" I answer.


We drive back to the dorms to the sound if his voice from the cd.

I can't stop thinking about who he could really be. What if he is nothing but a heartbreaker? What if he is just around to get in my pants then toss me to the side?

When we walk in Shae is on her bed...bruised and bloody.

"Shae!?" I squeal.

Harry lifts her from the bed and brings her to the bathroom sittin her on the toilet. "Kayla come help me clean her up." He says to me. She has a bloody nose, scraped knees, bruised face and arms.

She is a mess.

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