Questions #7-8

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Boris: Alright, let's see here... Ooooo, this will be interesting.

Bendy: What?

Boris: These peeps wanna know if you like Alice.

Bendy: W-what?! N-NO I DON'T!

Boris: W-w-w-why y-y-you s-s-stu-tter-ing?

Bendy: *Face goes red* SHUT UP!

Boris: You lllooovvveee her?


Boris: *Pats Bendy's head* Alright tough guy, I'm sorry.

Bendy: T-thank you...

Boris: Next question. *Scans computer* Another for you.

Bendy: Cause nobody likes you.

Boris: Besides that one commenter named like... yellow orange? or something?

Bendy: Yeah them, I'm still better than you.

Boris: Whatever you say tutu.

Bendy: -_-'

Boris: So answer the question. They want to know if you ever wondered what'd it be like if you had a mom. since they don't have a dad.

 since they don't have a dad

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Bendy: Well... a mom huh? Hmm. Well uh... I'm sorry you don't have a dad. Must be tough, but keep fighting through. Everything happens for a reason. But um... with us, Joey was, technically, our dad in a way. But so was Henry.

Boris: Yeah, we didn't need a mom, we had 2 father's.

Bendy: ...I always did call Joey Daddy. Henry was just Dad though.

Boris: It would've been better if a girl was around.

Bendy: The lady who voiced Alice was nice. Not that we ever got to talk, but I hear she was nice.

Boris: I bet not half the bull we've gone through would've happened if we had a mom around.

Bendy: ...I guess that answers those questions...

Boris: ...Yeah...

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