Question... Eh it's a number

371 9 13

(Don't ask why Sammy has hair. I tried drawing him without it, then realized how much I suck at making skulls. So... I gave him a wig or something. Don't question it.)

(Also, the genderbent magic question thing will last 6 more questions. So hopefully it'll be back to "normal" by October. Mid October at the latest.)

Boris: got dumped here too?

Sammy: Yep! Ain't it lovely?

Henry: RAG WHY?!

ThatOneRag: *Pokes head out of hole in wall.* Why not?

Bendia: Raggy, remember what we said about you being in this book.

T.O.R.: Right sorry *Goes back into hole in wall.*

Sammy: Alright! *Stares at the laptop* This glowing pizza box gave me a question!

Henry: ...That's a laptop.

Sammy: A what?

Henry: ...Nevermind, what's the question?

Sammy: Hmm... It says... Why I'm so creepy? Hmph! How rude of you!

Henry: Sammy don't scare the children.

Sammy: *Reads more* Awe, they're trying to be a hero! That's soooo adorable!

Alex: Sammy...

Sammy: *Kneels down to tiny asker.* Well guess what honey, wanna know a secret?

Boris: Sammy don't.

Sammy: Nobody on the internet can be a hero, best watch what you say. May upset the wrong person. Now go run off and play outside. *Drop kicks the asker away.* NEXT!

Everyone else: 0.o "...K"

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