Question... Somebody count for me

303 10 26

What?! Me UPDATING MY BOOK?! Am I high?! Lol, I meant to update this days ago, but kinda... Eh. The notebook app I was using to hold all my stuff got an update and officially sucks now! So I had to switchover to a new one. :-)

Anywho, first person to tell me what number of questions I actually... Have... Gets 25 Raggy points. Which is enough to buy you 1 follow! Or just me adding one of your books to my reading list or whatever. Gotta use it for something. ^^'

Have fun and enjoy this.


Alice: *Cleaning up some christmas decorations and putting themin a box. Not to mention... Singing her heart out to Christian music.*

Boris: Hey Alice!

Alice: *Singing to loud to hear him*

Boris: ALICE!!!!

Alice: HUH?!


Alice: Oh goody! *Swipes away the laptop*

Boris: Whatcha see? Any for the others?

Alice: Not really- OOOOO there's 2 for me!

Boris: Well what are they?

*Two strangers point guns at her.*

Stranger #1: DIE FALLEN ANGEL!

Alice: Huh...? Fallen angel...?

Bendy: *Walks in* What's happening?... HEY! *Drop kicks the strangers away*

Alice: F-fallen angel... I'm not... I'm not a... *Tears up*

Bendy: Hey, hey hey it's okay love. Don't... Don't cry.

Alice: *Body starts melting* They called me a... A fallen angel... *Cries and starts shaking.*

Bendy: Awe, some on Angel face

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Bendy: Awe, some on Angel face... They didn't mean it.


Bendy: They didn't know, they don't know what fallen angels are... *Rubs his shoulder blades with his tail nervously.*

Alice: Why w-would they say that...?

Bendy: Cause they're kids... *Picks up a mistletoe from the box, holds it above her, then kisses her cheek.* They didn't know.

Alice: ...O-okay Bendy.

Boris: You both are so cute it legit makes me wanna vomit.

Bendy: ...Thank you?

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