Question #48

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Well. For the Boris picture, i have good news. And obvious bad news.

Good news is, I finally found a style that I actually like for him, and he looks hella cute.

Bad news is: Well. Look at him. I didn't realize he was leaning till I finished the picture. It bothers me WAY more than it should. I mean. Just look at it.

He would so easily fall over. Ugh. Art is hard. XD

Also, y'all like my constant floor color change? Yeah. I hate it too. But can never remember the shade or which is darker. Wall of floor.

So here's my meme guys.

Constant changing wall and floor colors.


Also, 5 more "chapters" in this book till the baby ask is over. Tecnically was supposed to be only 7 questions. But I'll make it 7 posts.

I'm done rambling.


Sammy: *Using a broken wooden crate as a sled to pull around the laptop* Hey Boris!

Boris: *Scratching self*

Sammy: Dude look at me.

Boris: *Falls over from scratching*

Sammy: *...mask palms?*

Boris: *Sits up and barks*

Sammy: Some person thinks you're adorable and wants to cuddle you up. Thoughts?



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Sammy: ...I miss being an adult.

Susie: *Eavesdropping from a balcony above them.* Yeah, you were pretty cute as an adult. All obsessed with that worship stuff.

Sammy: *Stares up at her.* How long were you listening?

Susie: Since the last ask. I also stole Henry back from those children earlier.

Sammy: How'd you swing that?

Susie: Raggy let me.

Sammy: Oh-

*Random child runs in with paintball gun*

*Random child runs in with paintball gun*

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Susie: Oh dear. *Gets up and stops the child.* I may own a tommy gun, but absolutely no outside guns allowed in this studio. Do I make myself clear? *Drop kicks person away.*


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Sammy: ....****

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