Question #31

415 10 37

~About 3 days later~

Bendia: Next question... let's see here...

*Shuffling through the comments.*

Bendia: Oh, here we go... My name is Bendia for... I dunno how many questions are left. But-... I'll answer.

*Reads question*

Bendia: Kids watching this, yeah? So? Don't blame us, blame the kid reading this.

Alex: Bendia please don't start a rant.

Bendia: It needs to be heard! If you think a book/video/person/whatever is "unacceptable" of children, then don't let them see it! If the kid wants to read our crap, fine.

Alex: And she's ranting...

Bendia: But we shouldn't have to "clean it up". This book ain't for everyone, you're not obligated to read it.

Alex: You done scaring our readers? I'm willing to bet almost all of them are still in school. If any of you are older than 16, tell us in the comments. We wanna know just what our audience range is.

Bendia: Yeah guys, Please-

*Loud crash in another room*

Bendia: What was that?

Alex: ...I don't know, I'll check it out. *Leaves*


(Raggy here, Just wanted to kinda put that out there. It's been something that has bothered me for a while, am I too old for Batim? I mean... is there ANYBODY in this little community that I've made on this book older than 15?

I'm 16, I kinda wanna know what people are my age around here... if any. Starting to think I'm in the wrong fandom. Since everyone I know on here is... at the oldest 15. I know there's not much age difference. But I'm kinda worried I'm in the wrong place.

Little too old for these things? I dunno... think I'm just being stupid here. But, if any of you are 16+ please let me know, I wanna make sure I'm not the creepy weirdo in this fandom. Even if you've never commented on this book before, please just one little note that I'm not alone.)

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