Question... screw it. it's 40 now.

236 8 12

Truth be told, I finished this ask 2 weeks ago but I'm so ******* lazy I never bothered to type the response. Plus I had too much fun drawing different pics for this.

Also. I ain't doing 20. But I'll do... 7 baby asks till EVERYONE is normal again. Deal? Deal.


Henry: *Watching Bendy attempt a cartwheel.*

Bendy: *Falls on his face... Again.*

Henry: Dude give it up.

Bendy: No. I will do it.

Henry: Been a while since we've done a question huh?

Bendy: Yeah Raggy said it would take a while.

Henry: Cause she's lazy?

Bendy: Prolly.


Henry: Ah ****... Not another magic ask. Aren't we already doing one?!

Bendy: Well lets go check it out.

*Both males leave the room.*

Henry: What the **** is that?

Alice: *As a BABY* Henny! Lookie Lookie!

Alice: *As a BABY* Henny! Lookie Lookie!

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Henry: I am lookie lookie. What the **** is going on?! *Starts to panic* I've never raised a baby! How are we gonna do this?! I've only raised a single teen before! Oh god why?!

Bendy: *Picks up the baby Alice* It's okay, lets not panic. It's just a magic ask...

Henry: She's gonna die

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Henry: She's gonna die.

Bendy: Henry relax, this uh... This happened in the cartoon remember? Remember "Baby blues"? I can raise her just fine!

Henry: *Calming down* Okay... Okay... Thank you...

Bendy: No problem *Smiles*

Henry: Think I'm finally ready to accept you as my son-



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Henry: -OF A *****

Bendy: *Now a baby*

Henry: *Internal screaming* Where the **** Is Boris?! *Sprints off* BORIS?!

Boris: *Sitting on the floor... Also a baby*

Henry: Not you too...

*Few seconds pass*

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*Few seconds pass*

Henry: Oh god... *Gets zapped*

Henry: *Is now a baby* "

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Henry: *Is now a baby* "..." *Whimpers a little*

Henry: *Struggles a little, but gets to his feet.* Mama! *Waddles around the halls.*

???: Who's this little ball of sunshine?

Henry: *Looks at them and giggles.*

???: Don't worry love, I'll take care of you...

???: Don't worry love, I'll take care of you

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